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  • I was in class but I heard it. It was crazy loud. I was like, what in the heck is that? And then we went outside for a break and it was just a blanket of sand outside, kind of like sand colored fog. My car is super dirty now.

    I was doing a volunteer orientation today and the guy that was speaking mentioned being a Phillies fan. He said, do we have any phillies fans here? Then he said well I know we have one thing in common, we all hate the Giants. I was like, bwuahahaha, yes we do.
    hah. thanks, good to hear from you, really. hope to see you in chatbox or somethin soonm.
    Mine is getting quite hairy as well, I sorta like it though. I now actually have a beard to stroke while I'm thinking! :D (Or want to give the impression I am ::p:)
    hello lemur, it doesnt feel like its been three months, i feel better, how are doing?
    Hey :) I am good thx. Enjoying some awesome summer weather, you? are you getting a job in film lined-up? I noticed you just graduated.
    Heyyyyyy. Nah, no more ice cream cone projectiles as of yet :D I've been on here and there but working a lot and struggling with migraines and stuff... bleh :/ Hope you're doing well.
    Yeah, coming back home after leaving college (or University in UK hehe) can really suck sometimes, as we and our friends no longer have a location in common.
    I guess the positive thing in all this is that we are at least aware of the problem - I think thats the first step, as well as finding the desire to get through it. All uphill from here let's hope :) x
    Exactly. This site feels like the only place to let it out. Yeah, I moved recently. I had the S.A before I moved, have always been paranoid etc, but my paranoia has increased massively since moving because I have no friends here. I'm unemployed (well I do work, but its voluntary), I've got no money... it's a massive shake-up from how things were before. I feel like I'm drifting apart from people and a social life in general because its all back at home. Hummm. How about you? Anything in particular that has brought on your phase?
    I look forward to the day when we can both be smiling again. Real, whole-hearted smiles :)
    Oh Lemur, that message meant so much to me. Don't be scared, we'll take things as slow or as fast as you want :)
    I just wanted to say, in a more personal way - thank you Lemur. There have been several occasions now where you have given me some sound advice and guidance and I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate it and that it hasn't gone unnoticed. I hope you get through your current struggles, I believe you will because you have the right mindset. Thank you again x
    Creepy Geeky is cool beans though haha. Favourite class has the be Sentinel or Infiltrator. (Yes I'm a noob) heha. I love the armor you get with the Sentinel class, makes me feel like a massive Sci-Fi Uber God. Specially with the mouse sensitivity at maximum <3. :p
    I must buy a shirt like this :D
    Now that I remember, I think it's not the first time you post those pics :p
    paahi nicely asked to spare my soul :>
    but this night and during the day i studied quite nicely, i found the balance between getting bored and going to forum and gathering the energy to keep on learning,
    so you will probably won't get rid from me that easily :9
    Hey, thanks for the add :)
    I can see your pictures yaaaay. Wait... I always thought you were a trained lemur ::(:
    Well, I hope you're doing okay ::p:
    Yes I'm alive, hopefully you are too :). Ooooh it was okay, I just saw a movie with a stranger than went home, nothing too exciting.
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