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  • yes, I'm compelled to do this.

    Woooahhh so you have. How can this be! I got to 1000 before you did and that was only a few weeks back :p Haha well I got back from my hols yesterday so now I'm ready to play catch up. 3,2,1 GO! x
    Hello there~ You should go check out the "Post Your Random Thoughts/Feelings" thread. You started quite a craze with that last post of yours ;) ::p:
    LOL I accidentally posted on my own wall, fail >.< do you remember the old NES days? I remember how those things would glitch out and you'd have all that garbled mess on the TV and we'd do anything to get it to work. Slam them on the ground, blow in them, pray, even pour water in them and that would get it to work again. Dont ask me how xD
    I was just thinking the same thing. Buying used 360 games is a nightmare sometimes. One game I bought I swear my floor had less scratches.
    Aww man, I feel bad now lol. Everything cost so freaking much. I usually wait until like two years after somethings been out before I buy it cause $60 is ridiculous for a 5 hour game. Im on there too btw
    Hey what console is it you play on anyways?
    It is my fault. I let people beat me down and turn me into the wreck I am today. If I would have just fought back maybe I would be different. By the time I did decide to stand up for myself the damage was done and people moved on with their lives. Got married had kids and completely forgot I even existed. Now I want payback but unfortunately its illegal for me to burst into peoples homes and beat the hell out of them as an adult. Though I am sorry you feel that way. And I do hope you stick around, you're funny as hell too lol
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