Okay, eggs and milk have protein. Milk can also make you a bit lazy though, if you drink too much. Depends what sort of milk it is too, organic/eco is probably best if you can get it..

&it depends if you're sensitive to it or not.. if you eat/drink too much of anything, it can be not-good.. You may need iron or zinc though, if you don't eat much meat, or some other vitamins/minerals.. maybe magnesium, milk has calcium so with a lot of calcium you need more magnesium too.. do you have like a sports nutritionist you could talk to? much info online too.. (just stay away from any iffy powders or such..)
you might track nutrition on fitday.com and see if it shows any deficiencies.. and you can see protein percentages etc. Different for sportsy people etc. I remember bodybuilders eating steaks and such though.. hm..? might wanna google for other foods with zinc and magnesium and such and see what's on the lists..