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  • Thanks. Had a bit of a low point over the weekend, but I'm pretty much over it now. Hope it's good news at the end of the week. I'm sure it will be. They'd be crazy to pass up the opportunity to employ someone like you. :)
    Hey thanks twiggle, I'm really grateful for your kind words. : ) I find your attitude to overcoming social anxiety very positive and uplifting too!
    Yes thank you. Well I think I'm. I think it's just being in the same house as ex gets uncomfortable sometime. I think once one of us is out of house my mood will be a bit better.

    Good luck again for the job interview.
    Wow. You've had your cat 18 years...that's awesome. She's almost old enough to drink! (Or is the drinking age in England 18?) What is the weather like in England. I've never been there, but I know a lot of great bands originate from there! So you've been to America...what did you do here? You were probably on the Bay Bridge, it's about 30 minutes from Baltimore, it's 4 miles long, so it would definitely stick out in your head. Yes, lazy days are bad for the brain that likes to ruminate, but I enjoy them, too. I don't have big plans for the weekend, just not having to work is great though, lol. Are you doing anything fun this weekend?
    You'd listen to this all day? :eek:
    YouTube - ‪Nyan Cat - OMEGA Extended Edition?3 AND 1/2 HOURS OF NYAN SPLENDIDNESS?‬‏
    Oh a tortie....does she have a reputation at the vet. :) (In case you didn't know, tortie's have been known to get a little wild at the vet's office.) Yeah, pets are the best thing for a person with SA. To be able to cuddle another living creature without fear of judgement or pain. Can't imagine life without them. Where do you live? We get a decent amount of thunderstorms around here, but I love them. The scarier the better. We are having another one right now, but not as good as yesterday's. How was your day today?
    long overdue, I am sorry. :c

    I imagine there must be a lot to do and think about since moving. I hope all works out for the best and I know that your determination will conquer those pesky doubts. :)
    hey there, I've been trying. I'm really wanting to write something with a waltz time signature but am finding it rather hard in transitions.

    how have you been lately? we need to properly catch up!
    Hi. You're welcome. I'm glad to be around people like you who can understand what it feels like. My day was OK. We are getting a crazy thunderstorm right now...hail and everything. (I don't have my computer plugged in.) How was your day? That is my dog, Dino, in the pic. He's not a puppy anymore. I have to upload new photos of him...he is such a dorkapotumus, lol. Do you have any pets?
    Well it makes sense for you to be in this phase now - big change - more alone. Will exacerbate SA and these feelings. But it will all pass things can change quickly.

    I just graduated college - no job, at home now, just lost touch with those from school now - and so easy get back into habit/addiction of avoiding things. Esp kind of hasnt hit me Im really done with school dont have that as a crutch. So...

    I know for me atm gonna be slow going. And yeah, smile for REAL one day I know we will.
    Thanks =) I just totally can relate to a lot of what you're going through. This place IS a place for social support, it's not RL but it is something and helps. No one should go through things alone, or not be free to express their true feelings; I know hard in RL - I have to put on a "brave" face or whatever too a lot. At least here we can freely talk about these things more or less.

    SO - keep at it =D I will too.

    You just recently moved right?
    Hi, Mrs. Determination! :p
    Thanks for the add, I always enjoyed your posts AND your Daria avatar :D
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