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  • Have a good family excursion/hell this weekend but sounds like it'll be good for yous =D Better make your 1000th post really good also :D
    thats a really nice song. i love ambient music. yeah the incense goes great with it. ive never heard of him, but i will definitely look up more of his stuff.
    this is one of the songs i was talking about. its my favorite off the oceanic album.

    ‪Vangelis - Song Of The Seas‬‏ - YouTube
    She was a wealth of knowledge.

    Quinn: How will I hold my head up in the fashion club?
    Daria: A traction pulley?

    Daria: Raisins?
    Tad: Raisins are nature's candy.
    Daria: Then why do they have to cover them with chocolate to sell them at the movies?

    heh still funny
    twiggle, how's all?, house all?, ho use all? who seal?, whose Al?...meh, just wanted to say Hi! :)
    The small talk is terrible. It reminds me of when you go to the doctor and they ask you why your bleeding and you have to tel them the story of the stupid thing you did days music and movies have no soul in it: it's all done for the all mighty buck..
    it's like no one in holywood comes up with original scripts anymore, all you have are movies based on old tv series: transformers, the a team, smurfes, ghostbusters 3, jurassic park 4
    i used to watch it when it was on MTV....
    nice show...i miss all MTV's cartoons from the 90's:
    daria, beavis and butt- head, downtown...such a wonderful era that was....
    i like your avatar....
    i think it suits you in regard to your reply on asexuality....
    just what daria would say....
    I never go for haircuts anymore. I always get the asian lady that I can't understand!!
    I wishhhh. I'll try not go get hit by a bus, so when I don't, I'll feel like I succeeded at something lol. How about you?
    Yeah that does sound quite similar lol. Speaking of Moe...
    ‪The Simpsons - Lie Detector‬‏ - YouTube

    I'll stop now so it doesn't look like I spammed your visitor messages full of simpsons videos ::p:
    Heh... at least Yvan Eht Nioj is catchy compared to what's been stuck in my head today:
    ‪Must Kill Moe........Wheeeee‬‏ - YouTube
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