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  • Yeah, I can relate to it. I'm sorry you're going through this. Its like you feel you've almost beaten it and then something provokes it again, right? I'm sure you can deal with it, though it might take some time. I don't know what kind of situation you were in but try to focus on the present, though its hard but sometimes you've got to push yourself. Maybe you can try engaging yourself to something you like doing. Sorry about rambling lol. Hope you feel better.
    Well, if you could, tell me about it. You don't have to though; I only say that so I can more understand what's going on and help you come up with a better plan to stop this. I will say this though: remember, it's only a dream; that's all it can and ever will be. It's not a reflection of you. Is this dream a flashback? If so, then you've also got to remember that the past earned its name for a reason; you can't change it, but you can change the future and how you respond to it.
    You will get to that point; that's why you're going to therapy. It won't happen in a flash, but it will happen. For right now, to take your mind off of these negative thoughts, immerse yourself into your favorite music or hobbies. For your next session, be sure to mention this to the therapist, alright? I'm not sure if I'm helping or not, but they should be able to do a much better job than I am at helping you. I'm always here for you, remember that; I can't do much, but I'll do whatever I can to help you.
    Hey, please don't talk like that, alright? I don't want you to leave; I couldn't bear it if a friend left me behind. I may sound a little selfish right now, but, please, allow me to indulge in this. I'm scared for you right now. Now, tell me what's on your mind. What's got you down enough to wish for this?
    Hahaha! You'll be alright:D! You've made it through one, you've made it through them all! Now, is the gym open for you on the weekends? Maybe you could try going there to pass the time. I'm always here; it'll be nice to have someone to talk to::p:.
    Well then, I'm glad that it all went well:). Keep it up and free yourself from the shackles of your mind, alright? All we want from you is for you to smile and enjoy life, that's the reason why I keep pestering you whenever you post something. Really though, I'm happy for you and wish you all the best:D!
    I understand. I don't really know how to help you except to be here for you and lend a sympathetic ear. Sorry your weekends are filled with lameness, too. Hopefully you'll find something to do soon enough and you can start enjoying your weekends.

    Hang in there. Everyone on this site is here for you if you need it, despite the fact we're all faceless and nameless. :)
    Hey, Portrait. I've noticed a bunch of your posts lately and they've all been quite bad for you. Depression sucks. Sorry you've been crying so much lately and I wish you all the happiness ever. :)

    I realise I'm just some random dude on the internet, but if you ever need someone to vent to, my inbox is always open. I mean that.

    Take care, my good friend. :)
    I am sorry you are feeling really alone right now. You have a lovely personality. I hope you feel better soon :)
    I hope it is just your mind affecting your body. Well, I hope you feel better and keep me updated on your status, alright?
    Maybe you should go to the doctor or, maybe, hospital for that. Have you set up an appointment yet? This could all just be because of your mental state right now, but it's for the best if you go get an opinion from a professional.
    Well, on behalf of everyone, thank you for that! Anytime you need help or if you're feeling down, just talk to someone on here! Well, in that case, keep your mind on the friends you have on here and, as for making a new friend, you could check to see what extracurricular activities are around you and join one of them. You'll make a friend before you know it!
    We treat you right and care about you, but I guess you're looking for friends that you can go hang out with whenever, huh? Well, you have other friends, right? Focus on them and this other friend will disappear from your memory before you know it.
    Well, what you do is your choice; if you don't want to talk with them, then that's fine. What I offered was just one option you could do. But, don't let this wound fester; I want you to find a conclusion to this problem that you can accept without regrets, okay?
    Have you confronted them about it? Do that and let their answer be the judge of what you do next. If it seems like they haven't been using you, then let it go; on the other hand, if it seems like they have, then ditch 'em and go find friends that care about you. True friends don't use each other.
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