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  • Hi. You mentioned in your profile that one of the things you like doing is walking.Are there interesting places to walk in your area.I'm into nature and when the weather is decent,walking is a good way to enjoy nature.
    It's pretty late here. I'm probably going to head to bed in a bit since I have to be up at 7:15 to get ready for class.
    I'm sure you are, so do you have any plans for today, though I'm not sure if its day or night where you are lol.
    I understand, We all go through different phrases in our lives. I used to write a lot earlier but its been months since I've written anything. So what fictions did you write?
    Oh belly dancing sounds amazing, I want to learn it myself.
    Well I mostly like reading and writing too and learning about various cultures and people. What kind of stuff do you write?
    That's great, so what else do you like besides photography as in your hobbies or interests?
    Thanks I'll try it, hope it helps.
    What do you do btw? Are you considering to be a professional photographar?
    Just some public speaking I have to do in a couple of hours, I'm not sure how to control my anxiety and stop making a fool of myself. Also I've recently noticed myself being overly dependent on my friends for almost everything, that's not good I guess.
    So are you having a nice week?
    It's alright; your reaction just proved to me how serious you take your work. I'm proud of you! A woman with ambition and drive is very cool and very attractive! Keep it up!
    Well, try to wait for someone to contact you and, if no one does, then keep climbing the chain of command until you can reach someone that will help you. In the absolutely worst case scenario, you might have to sacrifice some points. Next time, try not to let anyone use any of your stuff for multiple days.
    Hm. Have you spoken to your teacher about it? See if there's any way to work by yourself or switch partners or something. Also, try confronting your partner on why they haven't been contributing their portion of the work. If, after you confront them, they still refuse to do work, then notify the teacher that you did all of the work on the project, that way they don't get credit for your work.
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