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  • :D, I haven't actually listened to them yet today, I try to listen to quite a variety, I enjoy many different vibes, from heavy/angry, to relaxing and more. But I did listen to In Utero a bit yesterday :) I've just listened to bits of Black Sabbath, Cynic, Lush, Stewart Copeland, YMO, Sigur Ros, and Death, so far today, just on youtube.
    I also really hope it goes well for you, and you have a good rest of the day aswell. And yeah, please do let me know how it goes. Thanks.
    Hey Amie:)
    I'm not bad thanks, Thanks a lot for asking :), Just been playing drums and guitar a bit and listening to music a bit, mostly. How are you feeling today? have you seen the new therapist? If so how was it?
    oh yeah I was going to (try) and learn embryonic journey and going to california on guitar. i cant bend my right arm at the moment though :/
    wow you saw them in concert! nice! I wish I could go to more concerts. The last one I saw I think was bob dylan a few years ago, his voice was pretty bad :p his band was good though. Photography is always good. I was thinking of trying my hand at that and making sketches from pictures, it's easier than imagination. Though I think I told you the scenery is pretty sucky around here.
    Anyway, i'm off to give blood in a while.. haha. Not exactly the most relaxing thing in the world but I feel I need to do it. My dad wanted to but he cant now. I need to go to the bank as well to change my account, but i'll need some courage before that :s Maybe fit some tennis in if my friends are around because I don't want to be in the house all day.
    Enjoy your time at the lake, sounds lovely!
    Nice! I was listening to the velvet underground and nico last week actually. Ehh, I haven't been listening to much recently tbh, I go through phases like this. I was listening to bright eyes, a little of the doors, system of a down. I'm wierd.. I listen to spaced out hippy music then I tend to put something heavy on :|
    A therapist is always worth a try. I was just happy to talk to someone when I saw mine, albeit not 100% comfortable with her but it's not surprising when you don't see them too often. I hope you're feeling a little better anyway. Maybe make a picnic and spend some time outdoors because you have all that wonderful nature where you live. Besides.. food never fails with me. :p
    Like i have said on so many occasions on here i fell 100x better now than i did hen i was 18! It is crazy.....
    His name is Roman. As for being 30 i feel great about is a privilage to grow older so i am just glad to be alive:) lololololol
    Awww Danny isn't the lucky one...i am :)
    and you so don't have to apologise for not mentioning it hun, it's not the sort of thing that you can just bring up in messages on here! you don't have to talk to me until you feel ready to, i just wanted you to know that i'm here for you ok? *cuddles*
    Did i give you my email address? i can't remember, i have the worst memory ever lol
    I do feel better now, a lot better! i've been having issues with my mum and sister (long story) and yesterday all my emotions just seemed to boil over, i was a total mess, but thankfully i feel 100% better now :)
    I'm still sooooo glad we met, i couldn't ask for a better friend, i hope we'll always stay in touch, and when you come to England next year i'll be at the airport to meet you hehe
    I'm going to get some sleep now (it's past 1am her) but you take care and we'll talk soon *Hugs* xx
    I'm not being nice Amie...i'm being honest :) i really think you're a wonderful person. But i do understand the not believeing thing, i find it hard to believe when people are nice to me as well, i have such a low self opinion of myself that i just can't understand why someone would be nice to me...when in my head i'm horrible in every way, shape and form!

    I'm doing good thanks hun, i had a bit of a bad day/night yesterday, but i had words with myself and today i'm doing much better!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your separation Amie, if you ever need someone to talk to or just cry to i'm always here for you, i consider you my friend and i want to help in any way i can hun *huggles* xxxx
    I really like your 'Inverted World' photos.. some really good ones there. I always end up with my finger over the lens whenever I take a photo :D
    Well i just sat around with family and a few friends and met my best friends new baby! It made my day because i have OCD and babies was one of my biggest fears and as you can see i even held it for it was awesome!
    Hello me lovely! Is that a very irish phrase? I dunno! Maybe not. Anyways! ::p:
    How are you doing? I've been getting much better at the minute, the last two months were hell so it's nice to be coming out of that now! How are the kids? Have you guys been enjoying the summer? The weather has been really nice here so I'm happy, also found out recently that I passed my uni exams so I'm in to final year science now in September, eek! And it's my 21st birthday in a few weeks and I've decided to have a big bbq at the house and invite lots of my old friends that I don't see very much any more, so I'm really nervous but excited for that!
    Hope you're doing great, good to hear from you :D
    Hi Amie :) thats cool i had forgotten about writing that haha. yup from Ireland plenty of space over here too but really nice except it rains alot haha. Ive being working today and just relaxing now, its evening over here. i am in college i have summer holidays at the moment. cool that you traveling to Europe you should definitely come to ireland its well worth it, give me a message and i can tell you all the places you have to visit. Canada is a place i would like to visit there sometime, haven't yet

    Hope you are well too. thx for the message :D
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