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  • enjoy .....Sickipedia - Building the world's best collection of sick jokes :D
    Ya, I definitely see where you're coming from on the mixed background thing. I guess I had the viewpoint that you'd fit in anywhere, but the flip side of that is probably more likely since human beings tend to be divisive and supercilious by nature.

    And although it's not nearly the same sitch, I feel like I don't really belong anywhere either sometimes. I mean, I'm 100% Korean, but the only home I've known is the U.S., and a lot of folks in this country (as in any country, to be fair) aren't the most tolerant of anyone they view as an outsider, especially when push comes to shove (e.g.; like now with the economy in such straits).
    Oh, so I guess that's what happens when we root for opposing teams in a match: your team wins. lol. Ah well, the earthquake thing not happening was for the best anyway....

    And wow, your family is from all over the place! :) Spain, Italy, Guam (?)... That's a kick butt background, actually. It's sooooooooooooo boring only knowing/belonging to one culture/race your entire life.

    Aight... Well, I've done my part: Portugal's out. LOL! I think the inherent flaw in our plan was that we actually have no control over when our teams lose, so thinking an earthquake would swallow them up in the Final was, in retrospect, a pretty foolish assumption (not the earthquake part, of course... I think that would've still happened). haha. Anywho, I guess I'll root for Germany now. ::p:

    And ah, that makes sense about the disdain for the Japanese by a lot of the older gen. I guess it's hard to empathize with peeps or even understand where they're coming from when you haven't experienced what they have.
    Ah cool. You can root for Brazil. :D And since I'm rooting for Portugal, if these 2 teams meet in the Final, we might have the first championless WC ever. haha. I mean, technically I guess that'd be impossible, but who knows with our luck, right? The earth will probably open up during the game and swallow both teams. ::p:

    Btw, feel free to root for Japan, also: my dad reeeeeeeeeeeeally wants them to lose. lol. I don't really understand it, but apparently intolerance between the Japanese and Korean peeps goes back some ways. I have nothing against my Asian cousins though, so I wish them well. :)
    sure i found it funny annie , i mean you cant help but laugh can you :D
    "All the teams I'm rooting for are losing! WTH?"

    OMG... YES!!! I blame you! I blame you for both Koreas losing... as well as the U.S.! Ergh! Even though I've been rooting for the exact same teams, it's clearly your fault, Serafina. I'm quite upset about this... ::p:

    Oh, and I guess I'm gonna root for Portugal now, so don't root for them, please! haha. :D

    "I'm not all into soccer, but when it comes to the WC or European Cup, I want to see playing and not whining."

    Ya, exactly. Same here.
    Alright ya... so S. Korea's team sux. They have like 2 guys who can play reasonably well, and everyone else is pretty much a scruuuuuuuuuub. Argggggh!!!1! LOL.

    Anywho, now who are we gonna root for, Serafina?!?! ::(:
    haha. Ya know, you mentioned it before, and maybe that's why it's begun to bother me like crazy (like crazy, I tell ya!), but there's sooooooooooooo much flopping going on in soccer!!!! WTF? Seriously, you brush up against a player's jersey, and they fall to the ground in supposed complete agony. LOL! It's so dang fake and pathetic...


    Aw, sorry about Italy, Serafina. ::(: I just watched the game on my DVR, and that was brutal. They did good to fight back, but they just dug themselves too deep a hole.

    haha. Ya, France is up in arms about their team. Apparently, the whole fiasco has turned into a full-blown scandal of some sort, which tbh I don't fully understand.
    Woohoo! S. Korea advanced! :D I'm crossing my fingers for Italy now!

    And no worries, Serafina... If all our teams go down, we can just root for Portugal and this guy:

    WTH is happening with Italy, Serafina? ::(: They'll need to pick it up vs Slovakia to advance, fo sho! But ya, I'll keep a seat open on the Asian bandwagon for ya just in case. :D Hopefully, one of our countries will advance. lol.
    Capito... :)
    Beato me... si e no. Dipende dai punti di vista... devo dire che London è un posto incredibile. Certo che a casa si torna sempre volentieri :) the italian diaspora ! hehe.. I also have relatives in NY, and my grandfather lived in South Africa for years.. we (can I say we? :D) are a people of travellers!..
    grande... :D sei nata in Italia o fuori da genitori italiani? Di dove sei? Io sono "emigrato" al momento, ma tra poco torno in Italia, almeno per ora... io sono di Venezia, conosci?:cool:
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