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  • um you know that 10.oclock curfew you put me on :confused: can i stay up a little bit later please cos like theres a film i want to watch :confused: ill go straight to bed afterwards i promise :)
    :eek: YES SIR :eek: HMMM LITTLE MISS SIR IN YOUR CASE ... ill report 24/7 honest i will 2 gun annie :)
    worried :confused: why did you worry annie :confused: hey im ok i just went to ireland to see my gf .... sorry didnt mean for you to worry annie ... ok next time i go away ill tell annie were im going ;) the last thing i want is for you to lie awake at night thinking omg weres gary :eek: ... im fine annie .... thanks for asking btw ... your right were like a little spw community ... we all care about eachother ..
    pick locks :eek: 2 gun why would you want to pick the lock on my humble home :confused: i live in a mud hut :confused: theres nothing for you to steal :confused:
    yea had a few beers feeling brave , wot you gonna do about it :D cough edit joke :cool:
    YouTube - Fisherman's Blues The Waterboys lol thats how i feel 100 percent of the time ........
    hi, i need an insider or a man (or woman in your case) with connections on SPW Italy. My account seems to have been banned and all I did was to write a presentation message and pm some member in in english. could you help me ?
    why thats just silly :confused: you should be able to watch that clip in a mud hut in outta mongolia :confused: um that is were you live isnt it :confused:
    really ..:) look in the mirror then :eek: gary runs :D:D ...... im outta here whilst im still alive 2 gun annie ..........joke joke joke lolzzz
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