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  • You can still give your opinions. There are many ways to say things politely. You can take a heated opinion and change words and alter pitch, tone of voice. I try to be calm.

    Remember that it is not the one angered that will win arguments. It is the one who is calm and collected and thoughtful who will win.

    Feel free to correct me on that.

    The only opinions you should keep to yourself are the ones not thought. The ones that spew out before we've had a chance to reflect upon a current situation.

    How are you today?
    Hi :) No i'm no artist lol. I'm an "escape" artist x). Studying highschool courses still, dundun. What about you, studying ? Are you new to the forum ? Welcome welcome
    lol I used to ignore my hunger when I was playing videogames too XD
    I don't look like my avatar haha
    I posted my pic once, but I deleted it :p
    Haha, glad you liked my avatar. I didn´t know it could make a brain explode but it can well be possible, at least judging according to the state of my brain atm :).
    Yeah, my page is pretty blank. I am generally quite poor at holding conversations, both in real life and online; I normally can't think of things to say. Although, I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of responses I got to the chivalry question. Just woken up and am going to check the romance thread now :)
    It's a bit hard to tell without looking at the full-size picture, but it's actually a pretty angry-looking little bird. A very cute kind of angry.
    Yep, familiarity will usually bring me out. Only with familiarity.

    Why would being yourself bring out the worst in you? Am I interpreting that incorrectly?
    Hi! Thanks for the friend request :D
    I liked your reply and I'm glad you managed to have more confidence, you have a very nice attitude towards the matter :)
    Happy Holidays!!
    Hey, there's nothing wrong with a blank page, especially if you're really new here, but you already have a few messages :) I'm not expecting an equally long answer again so don't worry if you don't have time. Hope you have a nice Christmas :)
    Thanks for the friend invite! I mean, honestly, I was just making guesses at that. I don't know if I have love-shyness (because my family thinks that I'm fine:rolleyes: or maybe they can't afford it. Not sure.), but I think I can understand their plight somewhat. It really is scary to approach someone of the opposite sex, especially when you're talking about people like us. There's too much to risk and no clear sign of victory.
    I tried to SPAM! my own page but alas, even this site doesn't allow for self-inflicting behaviors. *sigh* Someone spare me from blank-page-nausea.
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