razzle dazzle rose

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  • Hi! I'm just doing well, nothing out of my routine. Btw I'm from Barcelona, Spain :)
    Hi and sorry for the late reply, I haven't been feeling that well lately.
    Okay, I'm seriously considering getting a cat now. I've already asked one girl who lives in the village if anyone around there has any cats to give away, but they don't. I also found a shelter on the internet and called if they have any kittens, but they also don't - they only have older cats and I really want a young one so I can raise her. :) I'll keep looking.
    I know, rodents are the cutest things. :) I often stop at pet stores, too, to look at them. I always feel like gerbils over there are the relatives of my gerbils. I talk to them about how my gerbils are doing and when I'm home, I tell my gerbils I've ran into some of their cousins and that they say hello. I have a whole "imaginary gerbil world" going on. :p
    Hey, I have seen some of your posts, just saying hello :) Where are you from?
    No, I've never heard of Elliott Smith, but I listened to some of his music after your message and I like it A LOT. :) Thanks
    I let my gerbils run around my room a lot so a cat would probably chase them and eventually eat them. :p But I could just keep them in their cage from now on. Still, there are other issues ... I'm terrified that if I let the cat outside it will get injured. Can I keep it indoors only or is that cruel? I'm sorry about all these questions, it's just that I really don't know much about cats. I had one when I was around 10 y/o and it got hit by a car 1 week after I got it. So yeah, I have no experience with cats whatsoever.
    Thanks :) Yeah, I'm seriously thinking of buying a cat but the problem is I have 3 gerbils and I'm afraid a cat would eat them. + I'm not entirely sure I have enough patience to potty train it. x) Is it hard?
    The Smiths are fantastic, aren't they. :) Their lyrics are describing my life and feelings so accurately it almost creeps me out. Are you more a fan of The Smiths or do you like Morrisseys later work, too?
    (A completely irrelevant fact: You joined the forum on my 19th birhday. :) )
    I've been noticing a lot of your posts, too... there's something about you that I relate to very much. If I figure out what it is, I'll let you know... :)

    Do you know your MBTI type by any chance? I ask because MBTI can be very useful, when it's understood properly. It's a good alternative to therapy, or at least something to try before trying therapy.

    Oh... and I liked the post about your three kitties. I have three myself. :)
    ...this physical defect is no longer an issue. I look normal. It is such a relief!
    That's great news. It's sad to think of you having to deal with all that, right from childhood.

    I have all these maladaptive tendencies, and I am socially anxious still. I suppose that this is what therapy is good for? Unlearning all this?
    I don't know, but it's a good question. :) I have no experience with therapy so I'm hoping someone else will be able to give you an answer on that. From what I've read, it seems like you could really use a break.
    Thanks for adding me as a friend. :) Looking forward to seeing what else we have in common. Hope you are having a good day too!
    I just got done with classes and now I'm debating whether I want to go to the library and check out the sequel to a book I just got done reading. I probably am, though.
    I don't drink coffee. Usually, I go in a store, look for any books that I would like to buy, buy it, then leave.
    You must be a real fan of her to have all of her books! So, what are her stories usually about?
    Hope you're having a good conversation too!

    What books have you collected of her? And don't worry about the delayed response! As long as you responded, then everything's fine.
    A story about an insurrection against the rulers of Alera told from the viewpoints of different characters. Fantasy and action-based story.

    What book would you like to start reading?
    Somewhere along the line, I earned a headache. I've got to take something for it eventually. My book is getting oh-so-interesting and, now, I can't put it down. On an unrelated note, it looks like it's going to rain, but nothing's happened yet. How was your day?
    ♪When I choose my (username) I'll be razzle dazzle roooooooooooooooooooooooose♪
    Haha, I know I've mentioned it already, but I can't view your posts without getting that song in my head. Which I guess is a good thing :-D x
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