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  • yea well stop causing trouble then you wont get banned will you , oh no thats foreal :D or is it me :confused: hey i havent been banned for ages im being a good boy :)
    Paula, I hope you feel better. I'm rooting for you and I'm on your side.

    Wow, that is very sad to hear that your mothers health is failing so bad Paula!:( Do you have any other family members/friends that you can lean on for support near where you live?
    im not to bad thanks been a bit up and down myself, but im getting there. im enjoying spw now, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
    im stressed too, do you think the nhs do massages lol
    "I get soooooooo paranoid on MSN if there is a lull in the conversation i think it's because i'm boring the other person so i worry that maybe i should stop talking to them , then i think hmmm that's rude so then i just log off and pretend i was having problems with my puter lol"

    OMG! hahahahahaha! That made me LOL so hard. :D

    I definitely know where you're coming from though. Trying to end an IM convo is sooooooooooooooo awkward! I don't know what it is about saying, "Well, it was nice talking to you, but I've got to go now," that's so dang difficult! LOL! But I always think it'll come across as rude, too, so I almost always wait for the other person to end it. haha. Only times I'm brave enough to leave first is if I know the person really well, or if the convo was particularly good, so there won't be any misinterpretation of "I've GTG," as "You're boring, and I don't want to talk to you anymore." ::p:
    "like on MSN i will never say hello first just in case they are busy, i wouldn't want to intrude on their conversation!"

    haha. I'm the same way. Actually I despise IM for that very reason: it's impossible to tell what the other person is doing. With email, people can respond at their own pace, and over the phone, the person has the option to just not answer and plus you can hear from the tone of their voice if they're into the convo or not.

    But with IM, I always feel like I'm imposing on their personal space and forcing them to talk to me. ::eek:: Plus, I swear the whole, "So-and-so is typing" status messages cause too much anxiety for me. I think that info is just totally unnecessary. haha.

    Edit: Oh, and you were banned? lol. Are you serious? ::p:
    "I definitely feel like people hate me not just in real life but online as well. I feel like i bug people when i talk to them and they just wish i would shut up and go away"

    Really? You're seriously like one of the sweetest peeps I know! I mean, granted I don't know you in real life where I suppose you could be a raving psycho or something (lol), but online you're like the best, PP! Your msgs always make me smile and brighten up my day, for realz! :)

    I think I'd literally cry if you stopped coming here... well, not literally obviously cuz that'd just be weird, but I'd definitely be very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very sad... ::(:
    haha. Only bad thing about helper penguins is that I'd imagine your electric bill would be through the roof with having to keep the house so cold all the time! Oh, and probably also the fact that they waddle like 0.1 kph, so it'd be like days before they came back from the market... ::p:

    Anywho, I know I sound like a broken record, but I hope you and your mom are doing OK, PP! :)
    OMG. lol. I'm sure you've seen this before, PP, but I think this is a very practical and utilitarian pet, if there ever was one! :D

    YouTube - Japanese Penguin Goes Shopping

    Imagine if every person with SA and/or agoraphobia had one of these little guys running errands for us! Woot! :D
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