Recent content by pandamonium77

  1. pandamonium77

    What's wrong with you.. weirdo?

    What's wrong with you and me? Absolutely nothing. We are perfect JUST how we are, and just because some sour kid wants to come ruin our day does not make us inadequate or useless. The thing about this world is there's so many people that judge others because of one belief, or your taste in...
  2. pandamonium77

    OCD blaghhh

    Hi there! It's been a while, I stopped visiting this site a while ago to lessen the severity of my OCD *which it did* BUT! That's not the point of this thread, I actually have a question! ::o: With OCD, does it ever challenge your thoughts? Harm OCD example: An intrusive thought of...
  3. pandamonium77

    Lemon tree!

    YouTube - Lemon Tree Animation (with Subtitles) Think about it, and enjoy ^^
  4. pandamonium77

    A change

    Ok, so i've decided to make a change in my life I'm attempting to break bad compulsions that i have, and get over OCD completely Also im gonna try to get over my social phobia too, but i have no idea how to ._. So any suggestions, or just some feedback would help :D
  5. pandamonium77

    Spaz kid

    Apparently its funny to mess with me so i spaz out, and thats what most people do I don't think they believe me when i tell them i have OCD, and tell them to stop, because they just keep doing it and its extremely annoying, and i go home feeling tortured and abused There was a turtle shell...
  6. pandamonium77

    The chat box!

    So i cant seem to talk in the chat box, but i can EASILY say what i need to say when its on a thread, i don't know why but I can't talk in the chat box, maybe because it's live and requires me to answer things as quickly as possible without thinking about what I'm saying much and also i feel...
  7. pandamonium77

    A walk in our shoes.

    I passionately hate ignorance. Especially towards people with 'disabilities', such as ourselves. I know a person who hates anyone who is different. He's homophobic *and proud*, hates everyone with depression because immediately they're emo to him, and hates people with any other disorder. The...
  8. pandamonium77

    Intrusive interruptions

    So when I to think, sometimes my intrusive thoughts interrupt the sentences I'm thinking. So I think "I just want..." And it interrupts as "to die!" when i don't, and i actually wanted the sentence to go like so: "I just want this to be over, so i can enjoy myself" or something. its really...
  9. pandamonium77

    Working out

    So im on this new medication - zoloft - and its giving me TONS of energy. I'm bouncing off the walls, jumping around and excited and ahh its great. People think I'm on crack though, lol. So while i was dancing to some awesome music and jumping around, why not use all of this extra energy to get...
  10. pandamonium77

    3 words

    Sum up your life in 3 words. Mine would probably be: "Hell frozen over" What's yours?
  11. pandamonium77

    OCD, you disturb me so.

    So tonight we were driving, me, my mum, and my two dogs, and i had this bad intrusive thought that i was going to open the door and my dog would fly out! Needless to say, i asked my mom over and over and over if the doors were locked, and i basically squeezed all of the air out of my dog so he...
  12. pandamonium77

    Fighting your thoughts

    Does anyone else feel like you have to fight your own thoughts? Things pop up in my head and i either repeat "No, no, no, no, no that wont happen" and then insert an example why it wont happen or i'll swear "F---,f---,f---,sh--,sh--,sh--, *example* " It also feels really good when you "beat"...
  13. pandamonium77

    Summer camp!

    So a few years ago i remember my mom wanted me to go to summer camp so we *me and my brothers* weren't sitting at home all summer doing nothing So we went, and it was one of the worst experiences i've ever been to Luckily it was for 2 weeks, but those 2 weeks were hell I didn't eat much, and...
  14. pandamonium77

    School dot dot dot

    So my anxiety has been really bad lately, and i haven't been going to school much. One of the main things that's keeping me from going back is all the questions I'm going to be bombarded with by a lot of people Most of these people I don't know... and people like teachers will ask me if i've...
  15. pandamonium77

    First psychiatrist visit!

    Sooo today i went to my first psychiatrist 'session'. It took about an hour, and he diagnosed me with OCD and moderate to severe social phobia. And next week i have to go again to continue the diagnosis, haha. I guess its a good thing? Maybe not?