Summer camp!


Well-known member
So a few years ago i remember my mom wanted me to go to summer camp so we *me and my brothers* weren't sitting at home all summer doing nothing
So we went, and it was one of the worst experiences i've ever been to
Luckily it was for 2 weeks, but those 2 weeks were hell
I didn't eat much, and when we had to sign up for activities i was always the last one and i ended up going to "the game room" where i sat in the corner playing solitaire. Hah!
So the two weeks went by extremely slowly, and i was DYING to go home
I didn't meet anyone, I tried to socially interact but it didn't work... so on the last day I left, completely embarrassed because everyone i looked at were saying their goodbyes to all of their friends... and i had no one to even wave to