3 words


Well-known member
lifeless loser loner

retarded alien freak

half cooked meat

what the hell

don't care much

scared of society

what to do

stfu or gtfo


There's always tommorrow

Although my top 5 chessnut sayings of all time are :-

1. Believe in yourself
2. Smile and the world with smile right back
3. You have to like yourself if you want other people to like you
4. Feel the fear and do it anyway
5. Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness

I guess these sayings are supposed to empower you and thus creating a belief that anything is possible and nothing is going to stop you achieving your goals. Good in theory anyway :0/
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Well-known member
I was gonna say mundane, but then I thought about and realized my life is actually pretty unique.