For me it's the opposite. When you say things like that, I think you're the one who isn't weird. I studied things like political science, sociology, philosophy and history because I wanted to see change and be part of it, but what I learned turned me off completely and I chose to not to pursue it in university. I realized that the problem is us. The problem is the way we think and how we are all programmed. It's easy to put the blame on other people, but in the end, all of use are the problem. When you distance yourself from society, you start to see the patterns. Based on what happens in your life, mostly when you're young, you're programmed by society to go a certain way. And if you think larger, none of us is trying to be themselves. None of is trying to push their consciousness to become something greater. All we are doing is trying to fit into this society that we created. There's no evolution happening. The change must come from inside. The possibilities are in all of us.