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  • Yeah, I'm finding less and less things to watch on TV. "Two And A Half Men" is pretty funny, but the jury's still out on Ashton Kutcher being in the lead role now. Not sure how that's going to go. I tend to shy away from a lot of stuff on TV (especially reality shows - oh, how I hate them!) and go on the internet instead. :D
    Ever since I've known, The Simpsons have been on. I'm 25 now so they started when I was about 2 or 3 or so. I've always had new episodes out and that's going to end soon. I can't imagine they're going to continue after the 25th season, to be honest.

    The reason it was going to end was because of pay disputes, but that seems to have been resolved. Now we can enjoy some more awesomeness! :)

    I agree that the world would be very different minus The Simpsons, simply because it's been running for so long now.
    Awesome as. Seinfeld and The Simpsons are timeless!

    The Simpsons are running for two more seasons (24 and 25) as well. So there's going to be heaps more on the way. :D
    Yeah, it's awesome. I have all Seinfeld on DVD so I can watch them whenever I want. I actually haven't watched an episode in a long time so I might have to put some on soon. I could quote some dialogue from every episode but I won't, haha.

    I still find The Simpsons very funny, too. In fact, my friend has seasons 21 and 22 downloaded on his computer. I'm going to take them and watch them here. :D
    I think you'll go that regularly, so there shouldn't be any problems. :)

    There's a reason you receive compliments for the Kramer avatar - Seinfeld rules. "The Parking Space" is one of my absolute favourite episodes (where George and Mike Moffett fight for the parking spot outside Jerry's building). Sooooo funny!

    The Simpsons are good, yeah. I think they're both on par with each other, really. :)
    Haha yeah, distance is definitely not important here. :)

    That's not good - having to wait anxiously for when the second appointment is. In Australia you can go once a week or once every 2 weeks at the same time. At least, I think so, anyway. I've never been to therapy before so I'm assuming that's how it works!

    Hopefully it works for you, mate. The fact that it's free means there's one less thing you need to worry about. :)

    Also I love your Kramer avatar. Seinfeld is a great show.
    Thank you. Yeah, I've seen a lot of people here studying psychology too. I guess its because we know how awful it feels to suffer from problems. I'd be so glad if I could help even a bit.
    Ah, thank you, mate. At least someone has faith in me, even if your are all the way in Spain. :)

    Believe it or not, $140 is about the average for therapy in Australia. It's an expensive treatment but it's necessary. I will only be able to go once every 2 weeks because of the cost, but it's something I'll have to do. Hopefully starting next week or the one after. :)
    Yeah, I really hold no positive hope for myself, but I try not to inflict that on others, as it's not really fair. But hey, don't worry about it. I'll be fine. :) Once I start therapy, hopefully things will start to look up.

    Good for you for going to see one as well. I hope you get the results you're after! As for the cost, it can be free if you're put on a mental health plan, but I doubt mine will be free. I can get rebates if I go to a doctor, but only about 6 sessions will be discounted - then I've got to start paying the full fare, which will be about $140. Yikes!
    I'm positive because I don't want to seem like a downer all the time. That gets old really fast. But thank you. :) I'm going to go to therapy soon (when I can afford it) and hopefully get some of my issues dealt with.

    Glad to hear you're feeling great, mate. Keep it up. :)
    Hey, MrJones. You're welcome. :) I'm going okay, but I could be better. Depression kind of getting me down. I'll fight through it somehow.

    How are you?
    I know. I've been thinking about it a lot lately though, and I've been doing my research. Since being here for the last few months, not being happy with my living situation, social situation, and my courses/major, and taking into account my other issues, I think transferring might be the best thing for me rather than staying here. But thank you. :)
    No, not really. Maybe a little? I'm really considering transferring next semester though.
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