It was really bad, mate. Really bad. I didn't like it but it's done and that's all that matters. I just need to make an appointment with the therapist and I'll be able to start.
My music taste has never really changed that radically, I've always had the same favourite bands which have just sticked with me throughout the years. But of course I've welcomed some new ones to my life as well ^^
I'm feeling kind of depressed, like I've been feeling the whole weekend. Couldn't even leave the house to go buy me some milk lol. It's pretty pathetic. I've just been sitting here and actually should've done a lot of school work but haven't been able to even start. But thanks for asking. How about you, how's it going?
I think Maiden is my favourite band, along with Sonata Arctica. These two bands mean the most to me. The first time I heard their music was when I was like 8 years old or so. My brother always listened to them and we used to be very close, now he has moved away and the music always reminds me of him and the time we had together...
Other favourites of mine are Sentenced, ThouShaltNot and Abney Park. Especially the last two are quite unknown How about you?
Those are real gems, indeed!
It's extremely difficult to name the best album, since I love them all. Still, A Matter Of Life And Death must be in my top three. Some of my favourite songs are FtGGoG and HBTN also, Brave New World, Phantom Of The Opera, Remember Tomorrow, Caught Somewhere In Time... Maiden's such a kickass band! \,,/
to be honest i had thoughts of closing my account , i guess i'm feeling pretty low today , not even sure what i'm doing here , i guess i'm going to stick a little longer and see how i feel , might as well change my avatar
Its great! And I'm good, nothing special I'm afraid, we don't really have a huge celebration at Halloween here. But I'm invited to a party that I'm dreading lol. What about you? What do you have in mind for Halloween?