Well that's a good thing. NY does seem to have a hell of alot people to deal with, when you have SAD.
Denmark is a very happy place and also one of the safest countries in the world, but it's not all red roses. We do have many problems. We have awful service for the elderly, we are one of the worst countries at curing cancer, and our healthcare system is very, very slow with alot of waiting time for everyone. We spend alot of money on supporting your country in the Iraq war, and now we have to cut down on everything, so a HUGE amount of people have been fired and can't get a new job. It's a vicious cycle at the moment. In spite of all these things - Denmark is a wonderful place to build a life
My SAD has affected me really, really much during my teenage years, but fortunately I don't have it towards children. I bond with the children and I teach them without any problems
