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  • Oh, exactly! College esp this last year when I opened myself to the real social classes, it forced me lightyears. I am lazy too... and NEED to be pushed... total independence scares me, I need structure!

    I like that, kids stay kids but the game rules change.

    You will be done by 27 lol and are good for the degree! Never think otherwise, doubts are normal, I felt EXACTLY that way this time last year... because I should have graduated then. And well before that lol. Due to laziness and fears just keep putting certain classes off, etc. I turned 25 this April and graduated, felt stupid and lazy because of that but I did it - you will get there too.

    (btw WHERE do you live and what's your degree goal again? I read it somewhere my memory is like a layer of swiss cheese. My degree was in "cinema" aka film, emphasis on writing).
    idk we could probably just chill with those new age retro aliens at the coffee shop after we the save galaxy, and the villains could be whoever turns on awful music.
    Really? I didn't know your cup-holding was this deep. Actually, I see a lot of girls at my skool who are addicted to coffee. They always have coffee with them, but they don't actually have a cup. I did see one girl with a thermos full of coffee once o_0 I'm confused though. Is it the latte or the cup that makes you feel good?

    Also, not like this is relevant to you, but about that test that I said that I didn't do well in, I ended up getting 84%, which is the best score in my class... I'm in a pathetic class enh? Haha :p
    Where do you go? That seems late to me must have a short summer session.

    Yes - I actually do miss it. Late nights, pulling hair out, lots of coffee, writing an essay 12 hours before it is due... =)

    It was a safety net of lifestyle really - I mean I lallygagged as long as I could - and liked my university and was just getting into it by the end esp socially. I don't feel like an adult lol. Honestly hasn't hit me yet just feels like summer break now...

    When do you graduate?
    ok so i've worked out the plan, captain;

    - i hit myself in the head with a large solid object for potent efficiency and disappear

    - you bring in big money from the advantage point of time travel.

    - you find my unconscious body in a disclosed location and haul it to the spacecraft.

    - i wake up and you knock me out again.

    - you realize you have more sense than the person being continually knocked unconscious

    - we fight space monsters and save the galaxy and sleep in beds made of money
    maybe knock some sense into myself eh. but then again if i did that i wouldn't be on the this forum and i'd have never met you. which means this operation would of never happened, and i'd probably just leave me with a headache from the forehead smashing and you wondering where the hell i went, which would rightfully be somewhere on the floor with a concussion.

    so yes, your idea is for more apt for success!
    perhaps we'll find a wormhole and travel into the past so I can punch myself in the forehead without hurting myself.
    Hey, I befriended you 'cause you always write interesting stuff and you're kool, lol. By the way, be careful with the latte. I once had a math teacher who had holes in his lungs because he drank too much coffee. What an idiot...
    well now my mind is definitely made up.

    but of course, while you're kicking alien butt - i'll be hiding under a sturdy structure with a laptop, posting in SPW's "How are you feeling" to cope.

    unless you teach me to fight :D
    just as long as we don't get viciously mauled by space monsters.

    maybe there's a coffee shop somewhere in the distant universe with chilled out aliens blasting pulse shaking, head skanking music.

    or maybe they're into bluegrass.. oh no..
    one day i'm going to build an airship and sail the seven skies.

    i wonder what it would be like to live in the air? i've always been called an airhead.
    Hello, I'm sorry I didn't reply to you earlier. I've been uh, in a ward for the past two weeks.
    Dentists are quite scary, all those vibrating, sharp objects being inserted into your mouth.

    How have your meetings been going?
    i wouldn't mind a third arm. it would open a whole new door to things or something..

    military base?
    was either the alarm or my cat who is a bit gregarious.

    but yes, I should be replacing it as soon as morning comes.
    my fire alarm beeped as I read that last message, excuse me while I turn on every single light in the house
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