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  • don't want to hijack the OP's thread. Unless you knew you were going to meet someone? As much as I want to socialize, I have an odd independence urge. Being able to travel solo was always a desire. If we traveled together, I think i'd struggle feeling like that means there's a reliance on him and I couldn't manage by myself.
    I don't smoke either, just making a comparison. Maybe the patch can work a miracle for obsessive thoughts. :p
    So you're sort of a newbie too. :D Thank you, and you too, even though it's kind of odd to welcome someone who got here before I did.
    Wow, that's interesting. I don't think I'd do it just because I don't really trust it - it's still really new. But cool idea, I wonder how it will pan out. It could be a step toward revolutionizing the higher education system.
    I feel like poop. Not really any reason, must be depression kicking in. *plops face in pillow* want to just sleep and I can't. Gggrrr :(
    On the bright side, you'll have a good sleep if you can manage to make it through the rest of the day. I just had some coffee, got 14 hours of sleep and I still feel tired.
    8 am over here, got plenty of sleep (for once) but I feel very spaced out- like in limbo.
    Thanks, hope your week is stellar too! Btw, I <3 your hopeless romantic posts - the world needs more guys like you! :)
    awww that's so sweet sounding. haha, us girls are suckers. I'm sorry you've been feeling like rubbish lately =/ hang in there dude
    Hey you, your post- if a love interest provides motivation I must've gone wrong somewhere. xD lol
    hey there, fell asleep sometime in the evening and woke up recently. schduele's messed up. but yes good sleep!
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