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  • Aw, thank you::eek::. You're awesome too, Lady Hellhound:). Maybe not as awesome as me, but a good rival nonetheless::p:.
    Calling me "man"? I just got friendzoned::p: and you know what? It's not so bad here:). But I am more than a man; I am "The One":cool:. Seriously though, you don't need to thank me.
    You'll get better; I know you will:). Then you can go on and dazzle the art world with your skills. I'll do what (little::p:) I can to make sure that happens.
    I probably would already know this if I looked through your post history but where's that particular hellhound from?
    Ah, I see::eek::. Well, I kinda understand how you feel about that. So what kind of things do you usually have to do in front of people?
    Real-world you sounds shy and meek; shy girls are cute::eek::. But I wouldn't want you to feel insecure though. What do you feel that way about?
    Ah, Miss Hellhound will not be silenced then:)? Nice to see you being so vocal about what's on your mind though. Maybe you could join a debate team.
    I grow concerned because I want you to be happy. I don't want you to be angry or unhappy. If someone's pushing your buttons, you should remove yourself from the situation:). Of course that's easier said than done::p:.
    Thank you:). But I'm worried about you. Looking at some of the posts you've made, I've grown a little concerned for you. I hope that you're feeling happy.
    Up and down. I feel stagnant. Well, something's bound to happen eventually. I've been trying to get a job, but no one's called. Other than that, just writing stories and dealing with my personal problems::p:.
    To be honest, I've been always f*cking ashamed of being what I am because I'm viewed as nothing more but an animal, a piece of nothing that is only useful for sexual purposes. I hate being physically a female. I hate it. I wish I could change it, maybe I'd be treated like a human being for once.

    As a guy, seeing what women have to go through, I really can't blame you for feeling this way. I also agree with you regarding OceanMist.

    I hope you feel okay.
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