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  • i hope all is well down under :)

    Ya I like apocaliptic-like pictures. It meakes me think like: destroy it all and start new again, maybe a life whitout SP, you get the ideea ? I have some T shirts whit that kind of pictures. T shirts that rockers wear
    Thx, Your avatar fits my style too ;)
    some people rub lavender oil on theyre temples

    anyway heres an image of that stuff, im sure you can get it on ebay :)

    Hey, no need to apologize, it's okay. I'm thankful for your words and for not mentioning my name :D I personally don't think i'm that great though, lol. But thank you... really ::eek::
    I apologize in advance but I told of your talents to someone, lol. Bragged about you a bit and how amazing your art was in that thread about paintings. I would have mentioned your name but I wasn't sure if that would have been alright ::eek::
    That was unexpected, thanks for the add :D
    Ha, most certainly. I just know how to manage my time better now on here, not get so wrapped up in it ::eek::
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