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  • oh i see now, it was dan who edited them messages from the smurf :)
    i think you can actualy delete them completely if you want.
    if you click on them in the wee boxes and then you can delete them at the bottom of your page :)

    however i think the one that sais "Warning,be respectful-Danfalc" is very funny :D
    Oh and I wanted to say thank you ::eek:: You're one of the few handful of people who make me want to come back to this place. I appreciate it and I am blessed to be able to say that you're a friend.
    Indeed I am, though with no job this kinda feels like hell. There was a time when staying home all day would be incredibly nice but now I feel useless, like I've got no purpose especially being unemployed. I hate it because it gets me into this funk of a depression if I think about it for too long.

    Hm, I could understand that. Is there any other place you wanted to go, like an Art Institute maybe?
    That's a natural thing to do and while I miss the homework, I know I won't when I get it ::p: Classes start back up in August. Should be exciting...I think, lol..
    Oh understood, lol. I just thought I'd check in with you ::eek:: How is school going? One of those "meh" situations, eh?
    Argh, never good to hear but I'm glad you're still breathin'! I'm alright myself, I suppose I can't complain. Why the muscle pains?
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