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  • Hi.Its a tricky one for me and for others I think.No doubt there are alot of Scots who want full independence for Scotland but going by the referendom,there are more people that want Scotland to remain apart of the UK.

    Not that Im claiming to be an expert,but there has already been quite alot of power devolved to Scotland,Wales,Ireland and probably more to come.It would be great to maintain close ties links to each country in the UK if one day they chose to go it alone or not.It would not be right to force people,countries to remain in the union if the majority one day want to leave.
    Hi.Im tempted to ask your view on Scottish indepedence from England.Alot of people took part in the referendum recently.Okay then I will.

    I voted too and Im someone that is open minded when it comes to voting.Im willing to vote for any of the main parties depending on current policies.The Lib Dems really did badly and it will take along time for them to recover.The more strong main stream parties the better.
    Hi.Are you planning to vote.I just voted a minute ago.Luckily my voting center is five minutes from my home so that makes it alot simplier.
    Hi.Your older and wiser so no doubt as you said,you know what to expect in regards to the operation and what comes after.

    I do try to be positive and remind myself that life could be worst and there are somethings in my life that I do enjoy.That helps me to handle the negative in my life.
    Hi.Are you excited or nervous about the surgery.It could make a big difference to your life from the sounds of it.

    Its amazing how many things people take for granted or just dont give much thought to such as being able to walk easily from a to b etc,get on buses without their minds filled with negative thoughts,fears etc.

    I reckon the average person could not cope with the thoughts feelings,anxiety etc we face for a whole week.Its important I think to recoganize the fact we are survivers and possses alot of strength of character.People who continue with anxiety month after month whilst living their day to day lives are real survivers.I feel proud of myself.
    Hi.Good luck with the surgery.Will you be having it soon and will it make a big difference.
    I think reminding yourself of the positive changes to yourself is a good thing.It can help you maintain new positive behaviour.Having your books etc around you can help.

    I have been getting out and about more to break up the routine of my days.Which is working part time,voluntarying once a week and being at home,reading and watching tv.I needed to change things up and give my mind something new to do.I have visted a large garden today and a local aquirium last week.Can you relate to needing to break the day to day routine sometimes
    Hi.Hope we can speak more reguraly.Were I live is quite cluttered too in some ways.Partially due to lack of space and I like to get maximum usuage out of things.How are you and thrown things away and do you have alot of stuff that has sentimental value to you.
    Hi.Im a Terry Pratchett fan and I think I have read more books by him than any other single author.I read most days and Im actually reading a book by him called the Last Continent,featuring one of my favourite Discworld characters Rincewind.It was stange learning of his death whilst reading one of his book.Rest in Peace Pratchett.

    Do you have any favourite Discworld characters or books.
    Hi.Do you take much interest in politics or not.I find it quite interesting at times. With the recession,there is less money available to spend on social security etc.Maybe savings should be made in the benifits system but the vunerable still need to protected and helped.Its a complex,tricky task that I would not like to have to sort out to be honest.

    At the same time quite a few big businesses and rich individuals are not paying the right amount of tax.Thats a bigger problem I think,than benefit fraud.Big companies like Amazon ,Goggle,Starbucks finding ways around paying the full amount of tax.
    Yes,its unfair when people think people on disabilty benifits are all scroungers.I have you noticed the number of tv shows about people on the dole and the number of newspaper stories highlighting fraud cases.Its like poverty porn for the working.

    What do you think of the changes the goverment is making to the benifit system.
    I use to receive job seekers benifit a few years ago,but I work part time now.I really disliked having to go to the job centre when I was claiming.I think there is stigma attached to receiving certain benifits like job seekers.I think it affected my self esteem in some ways.

    Sometimes though we all need finacial help and benifits can really help deserving people.Unfortunetly I have met a few people who could work but dont choose to,a few who do work and still claim benifits.But I think most people who claim are trying to find work as soon as possible.Some people get stuck in the benifit trap though,they want to work but can not due to factors like lack of confidence,lack of qualifications,lack of jobs,child care issues etc.
    For some it takes years to be more comfortable in their own shoes.To really start liking and recoganizing the good things about themselves.Being able to find some happiness in their lives despite possibly not acheiving some of the things they had planned.Not getting very bitter.Acceptance over things you can not change is important I think whilst working to improve what you can change.Its hard to do sometimes but I try.

    If you dont mind me asking, do you feel bitter and frustrated often or not.
    Hi.Being able to cope with disabilities both mental and physical does take alot of strength.Problems can break your spirit,grind you down in the long run or they can make you stronger and appreciate what you have.Mental outlook ,drive is so important.Being able to keep trying,maybe failing often but still going on.Finding a little happiness each day from even small things.Thats what I try to do.

    Quite of a few things that the majority of people take for granted are alot harder for people with emotional problems,disabilities.I try to tell myself well done when I have coped with a problem or a stressful day.Do you do that and try to go easy on yourself.Not be too negative,etc.
    Half the trouble and habits that men get into such as fighting,drinking,womanizing,smoking is linked to their perception of what being a man is all about.Alot of our drives are linked to how we are preceived by other men and women.From the clothes people wear,to the hairstyles,jobs etc.Its human nature but some people worry more about than others.

    I try to break free of that kind of thinking and worry less about it but its difficult at times.I life time of conditioning is hard to change.
    Hi.I dont like the laddish,blokey culture of going down the pub and getting drunk.Never have done.Like you said,there is a urge inside most of us to fit in.I undestand that people tend to do things their friends and their peers do,so they dont stand out.They are one of the guys.Normal.One of the pack.The group.Going against the flow takes energy and strength.

    I have spent big parts of my life standing outside looking in.Some times badly wanting to be part of the group.Going out with girls,going to clubs.Other times I been happy to be separted from the flock.How about you.

    Now Im alot more comfortable in loving things like flowers, gardening, poetry,art.I have never smoked and rarely drink.In the past I worried that
    I was not blokey enough.But now I rarely worry about it.How about you.
    Hi.Some people live and breath football and other sports .Its part of their identity.Some believe real men like football,rugby etc.Its tied into their masculinity.When their club,,team etc win,some sports fan feel they have won.

    Im not like that thankfully.Its easy sometimes to get too caught up in a sport. Its quite sad and worrying in some ways that some people are like that.I have a passion for certain sports,but at the end of day for me its entertainment.

    As humans though I think we need some external things like our interests to help shape our identity.We attach labels to ourselves like,Im a gardener,Im a painter,etc.It only becomes un healthy when taken to extremes I think.A need to belong can be very strong.Some fill that need by supporting a certain club,following a certain music group.What do you think.
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