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  • Hi! :) Thank you for the nice compliment! I'm glad you stopped by my page. The highlights are photoshopped. I love photoshop it can be really fun to play with.
    Btw, I can relate to your posts. I can't be around friends too, because of my anxiety.
    It makes me really anxious, and i don't feel comfortable around people.
    And I hide myself during a visit (anywhere, you called a snackbar, but also other places) The whole time too. till it's over.
    I even did that when I was a little girl.. :/ But these 2 years it got worse.
    But sometimes i'm strong enough to stay the whole visit ^_^ So I'm glad I can do that somedays.

    Well.. Hope you write me back ^_^

    Hi there Eilonwy :), Thank you VERY very much for your comment.
    You made me smile ^_^ Maybe we can be friends :)
    Btw how r u ? Had a nice weekend?

    Well, take care

    pretty much been living in canada all my life,
    going to visit relatives in india during may.

    My dad is working in New York at the moment
    No, I'm not muslim, but I like Muslims. I have a new job since a month ago. My boss and co-workers are muslims and I can get along with them very well.
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