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  • I haven't had a panic attack for a week, because I have been so busy. But I have been sort of depressed because I have had to work so much. I guess I really shouldn't wine about it some a lot of people are hard up for work. New ground you say? What do you mean? did you move?
    Hey whats up dude? Haven't talked to you in a while. Tell me whats been going on. I haven't been able to be on a lot lately cause of stupid rw bull****.
    Hey man, of course! You're worth the comments and you really do have a nice face, and you really shouldn't hide it so much :). I'm doing not so well, but better than the last couple of weeks. Starting to do little things to get my life started again, running (as you saw), creating a daily routine, which is VERY helpful, and going out daily. How'r you?
    No! I'm not bright, I'm very, very dark! Don't make me mope to prove my point, because I will! :D

    I like how it didn't tell me I had a new visitor message for 30 minutes. Maybe that's just the SPW server blushing and running off to the ladies' room?

    And of course I'm very perceptive. The elven ranger I'm playing in my friend's Pathfinder campaign gets like +11 on Perception checks. So even when my d20 rolls like crap I still pick up on things. ;)
    So do I. :D

    I also enjoy long walks on deserted beaches, long walks on deserted beaches by moonlight, and reading your posts. You seem relaxed and humorous enough that being around you in real life would at the very least be tolerable.

    Of course I don't know what other Maladies you may suffer from. But as far as this whole internet forum goes, you're okay in my book. Or ebook. :D
    I'll just say that life sucks when you have to stop taking your antidepressant and are too stubborn and stupid to try another one. Until that day arrives, I'm clinging to as much inappropriate humor as my hands can hold.

    And I'm half dreading and half looking forward to attending the PA Renaissance Faire this weekend. Luckily I won't be dressing up. But that's only because I haven't gotten around to making my own riveted mail hauberk yet. I know it'll be fun, but it also means I'll be stuck with people all day long.
    There are plenty of people whom I've not officially forced myself upon on this forum, so I thank you for sparing me the trouble in your particular case. ;)

    I must correct your belief that I am cool, however. Most of my extended family (myself included) are always hot. Even the slender ones. So I can't accept being thought of as cool. Hot, on the other hand, is quite acceptable. :D

    I've never tasted that helmet, but with enough chocolate syrup anything will probably taste good. And I believe the early hours of the 24th were indeed decent enough to me.

    So how've you been?
    That pesky Y chromosome, lmfao. Getting in mah way of conquering hearts all over the place. x3 Nah, just friendly love is just fine, it's all I'm pitching for anyway. ;J Cheating isn't a socially frowned upon quality that I (like to) practice. ;3
    MANY A TRUE WORD IS SPOKEN IN JEST - "Some truths, too painful or too likely to provoke, can be spoken only when the listener has been disarmed by laughter. A proverbial truth known for centuries, this notion was apparently first recorded by Chaucer with the line, 'A man may seye full sooth (truth) in game and pley,' from 'Canterbury Tales' (c. 1387). In 'King Lear' (1605), William Shakespeare wrote, 'Jesters do oft prove prophets,' and some years later, essentially the modern version was rendered in the 'Roxburghe Ballad' (c. 1665): Many a true word hath been spoken in jest.." From "Wise Words and Wives' Tales: The Origins, Meanings and Time-Honored Wisdom of Proverbs and Folk Sayings Olde and New" by Stuart Flexner and Doris Flexner (Avon Books, New York, 1993).
    Hey bud! Always good to hear from you. Just trudging through the back to school blues. Luckily, my last year at uni, so looking forward to getting it done and over with. What 'bout you? How's life? That job interview go well?
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