Hi Dottie, thanks, I feel better now in summer. I was just putting a new carpet to my room and cleaning out everything, etc. I plan on even more renovations in our house, but it is hard with my parents, esp. my father because he can´t communicate, instead turns abusive for nothing. I get all the poison while I don´t deserve it as I´m never doing anyone anything wrong. I am glad though things are getting done despite this, even though it is 10 times harder. Luckily, I also got some translations for home, I am translating articles. It is just a part time irregular job, but I don´t miss any full time slavery in a factory, getting up early etc. It is also not badly paid. I don´t know how long it lasts though. I plan on going to England in the future as soon as I have enough money and some things sorted out at home which I need to get sorted. Do you have a new job? What kind of job is it, do you like it? And how is life generally?