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  • I have a confession to make...

    I'm not really a human being, I'm a computer program.
    Hi! :) Thanks for the invite! You have a Beautiful Soul and I love it how you've changed and grown since you've come to this forum! You are a very caring and loving person and I read your answers surprised at your poetic beautiful thoughts... I'm happy that you came to this forum and am learning a lot from you too!!
    PS I think you need to change your username sometime soon.. :) BeautifulSoul describes you much better!!
    i just checked the topic about avpd by phocas, i can relate to the things so much, but it looks alot like sa, but it feels like i suffer from avpd too. because i was like, yep.yup,yap. this is all about my life.. thanks for sharing the topic btw.

    how have you been?:)


    I like your avatar btw, I always bring up poem's and lyrics when I see a potrait or a beautiful image:). here is something I just came up with

    ''A crying soul is standing in front of the mirror, nobody can tell you what she thinks
    She doesn't see what you see, but when you really look into her eyes,
    You see the heart who cares for everyone, true pure and beauty
    She hopes to release from this pain, she wants to escape from reality
    She's the heart of real sorrow but so good and true but so shy
    Someday she looks up to the sky
    And knows why..
    She's free, she told the fears goodbye''

    TTYL ^^
    Hello there my friend =)

    You can always talk to me, when you have something on your mind, like negative thoughts, or worries. You don't have to be insecure about that, and especially not to me because I can so much relate to what you write. I'm happy you and your bf are together again! =] Congratulations! :) Btw, avpd sounds very similiar to sa yet still a bit different, Can you tell me the differences between sa and avpd? it sounds interesting =)
    I have done CBT myself, and it didn't work out for me either. I will have a more intensive therapy methods now, i think the more intense, the more effective way of overcoming sa. =)

    too long post... will be continued
    Hmm, I'm always worried about my post, when I started talking about myself, dunno why :/
    It just feels weird to talk about myself alot :/ Lol. Maybe you can relate to that too XD.
    well ciao ciao.. :p
    Hey there :]

    How are you doing today? Yeah, It was very nice to go there, but still I was freakin nervous! No, Didn't take any medication and haven't drinked! But I couldn't stay longer than 2,5 hours, but still it's good :] Yeah I could see that my mom was happy, She was doing great on stage! I can understand, I don't follow my own advice too, like I can give so much advice to other people to help them out, but I should listen to the words I tell them! =) lol. But I know I can do it , cuz where do i get that from else, I know it's from my heart, and I know that's what I really wanna follow too =)

    I'm sorry that you haven't made progress alot, I hope you can do it DespairSoul,
    I think your posts are really inspiring, although I can see you are having a hard time, but I can so much relate to that. Do you have any help to deal with your sa?

    Hey, have a nice evening

    some psychiatrist put me on clonazepam and paxil; I feel a little paranoic... when I quit the medications by the 3rd day I feel very paranoic, aggressive, irritated; I need to stop this medications ;)
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