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  • I'll check it out, you said Crunchyroll has it?

    Oooh, care you share them?

    And I started over because I'm honestly too lazy to do all kinds of research for a story I have to finish in a month.
    Uhm. That sounds interesting heh...heh.
    Story? Yes, I've completely scrapped the previous idea and have started anew. How are your stories going?
    Ooh! I'll say you are hahaha :p Wow that's a lot of anime. Which one is your most favourite? I've heard about soul eater before, even saw it a couple of times.
    Yeah, it is Sakura. I'm still addicted to anime but I was a lot more a year ago or so. Some of the animes I've watched are Digimon, Dragon ball Z, One piece, Death note, Inuyasha, Ouran high school, La corda d'oro etc. I've also watched some episodes of Fairy tale. What about you?
    I didn't want to, I just felt like a loser not going.....
    Oh exercise...that's good for you! I won't exercise unless forced (PE class).
    Hope you feel better :)
    What is your favourite anime again?
    What book?
    Just different things, and I think it's more how it is overall than anything specific. You never told me how your day was :p
    A princess's castle get hijacked so she run away.
    She bumps into a girl Hunter and they fall off a cliff.
    Their souls switch..

    If i give anymore away it would ruin the story...
    I say that because no guy did ;)
    Why do you say no girl will ask you?

    Oh, there is this mushy couple by my locker and I absolutely hate it.
    Bleh, people need rooms.
    I am most definitely not going. No one will ask me either.... :(

    Well, guys don't dress too inappropriately compared to girls....
    I don't really know how to deal with it, just leave.
    How do you deal with it?
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