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  • The only other buildings here are classroom buildings, mostly, and I think they all close down early during breaks because there's hardly anyone here.
    Well, I would prefer to go to one of my campus buildings (a lot of people go there to do homework), but unfortunately they've been closing at 5 because it's spring break. :/
    Hi, I've thought about going to Starbucks down around the corner, but I just don't feel like leaving or spending any money today. My feet also hurt from walking a lot yesterday. I need to do homework, but I just don't have the motivation right now.
    Hey, thanks for the add! :) I actually thought we were friends already. Well, we were, just not... "officially" I guess.
    Here's your delivery
    That sounds... incredibly boring to be honest, lol. Can you volunteer anywhere? Because for me, the easiest (and most ideal) place to volunteer would be an animal shelter. I find it to be less anxiety inducing, just because you spend more time with and around animals than you do people.
    Oh, what do you do in Social Works? Glad you're seeing your teacher about it. Hopefully you two can work something out and you can boost it back up.

    Good luck with that! I live in the middle of nowhere, so actually finding me would be extremely difficult.
    Lucky! Seems like everyone is already starting their spring breaks and I'm still in school. *pouts*

    What class are you failing? Are you able to get any help for it at all? When I failed Chemistry last semester, my mother was pretty pissed at me. Surprisingly though, she didn't yell at me as much as I thought she would, as it was the first time in my life I ever failed a class. Then again, it was my very first Chemistry course, I didn't have any previous high school knowledge of the subject, I couldn't get tutored, my teacher was a jerk, and I was having a hard enough time at the university. I guess she figured she'd let me go, as it wasn't completely my fault. Hopefully your family doesn't jump on you too much for it.

    Heh, not sure where you're located, but I'm pretty sure we'd never see each other in person during our Spring Breaks. It'd be great to get out of my boring town though, but unfortunately I can't go anywhere.
    My Spring Break doesn't start until another month, unfortunately. I could really use it right now! So far I plan on just relaxing at home, maybe finally catching up on my reading, watching movies, and I'll probably have some sort of homework to do. When do you start Spring Break? Doing anything special?
    Yes, yes you have. Don't stress it though, it doesn't make you a bad person. As long as you don't make anyone feel uncomfortable, you're okay.
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