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  • Oh, I was thinking right! Brownie points for me! Yeah I thought MIB stood for that, but didn't say anything because I wasn't sure. ::p: I doubt myself too much.
    I have never seen you give any advice that sounds stupid or anything that doesn't make any sense. You've got a gift, my friend. :)

    Yeah I figure they'll probably forget too. I'm pretty sure they'll forget long before I ever will. ::p:
    Thanks Deadman. Has anyone ever told you that you're quite good at giving advice? Really, have you ever thought about doing counseling or therapy as a career/major? You're good, and I think it would be a great field for you.

    I can't promise you that I'll stop dwelling on what happened today. I can tell you though that I've already moved on from that test. I've been getting better at accepting failure. Sure, I still hate it, but I've noticed that I don't kick myself over it as much as I used to.
    I'll do it between late morning and afternoon. Oh, don't worry, this is stuff where I don't have to rely on another person in order to get my work done, so it's all good. I can work at my own pace.
    I have to make captions for some photos I took, edit some photos for another class, and come up with some more photo ideas.
    Haha, well, I'll definitely have to do it tomorrow, because classes start up again on Monday. The good thing is that the building I want to go to will be open 24 hours tomorrow, so I won't have to worry about time limits.
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