Recent content by anuskas

  1. anuskas

    hands and feet sweating

    Hello! I´ve read here about this strange and rare (I thought) disease that makes hands and feet sweating. To my surprise, today, I was talking to a colleague about our heavy purses and enumerating the objects we have in it when she said she has to have a good cream for her hands because she has...
  2. anuskas

    Have you ever regretted the way your life have taken?

    Have you ever regretted the way your life have taken? There are things that can take control of our life forever and it´s extremely difficult to go back. Have you felt that?
  3. anuskas

    All people around are luckier than me

    When I look at my life, it seems like I do not even have much bad to say, but that's because I do not complain a lot and I am used not to living, just be glad to survive and have an awful job, but then when I look at the other people around me and start to see the differences it gives me a huge...
  4. anuskas

    What do you do differently than most people?

    What is something you know you do differently than most people?
  5. anuskas

    your most rewarding experience

    What is the most rewarding experience you have had and what made it so? :)
  6. anuskas

    Failing or never trying?

    Which is worse? Failing or never trying? :confused:
  7. anuskas

    Introduction + picture thread

    Hi to everyone! I´m a 30 year old Portuguese woman. I have been posting and reading your threads. I hope you all get better! (If you want introduce yourself and post your picture)
  8. anuskas

    If it was your last day on Earth...

    If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it? :eek:
  9. anuskas

    10 things to do before you die

    I´ve had the opportunity to do many things in life but there are some more other things I´d like to accomplish (they are not ordered): 1- go up in a hot-air ballon 2- learn to ballroom dance and latins properly 3- write a novel 4- learn to play the piano 5- improve foreign language skills 6-...
  10. anuskas


    What do you think of clinic hypnotism? Have you ever tried it? Would you try it? Do you know people who have done it?
  11. anuskas

    Do you talk much to the person you love?

    You who are committed... How is the relationship with the person you love? Do you talk much? If you are not committed yet what do you think... Would you talk much if you had a girlfriend/boyfriend?
  12. anuskas

    What would you prefer: lottery / disease cure

    What would you prefer: Win the euromillions lottery or be cured of your disease? LOL
  13. anuskas

    And if tomorrow you woke up without SA or SP?

    And if tomorrow you woke up without the disease? What would you do first? In my case I would probably retake my phd (I can´t do it mainly because when it comes to oral presentations I have not the courage because the first time I tried it there were too many teachers and students in the room...
  14. anuskas

    birthday and phone calls

    Most people I know seem to like having phone calls all day long when it´s their birthday but I don´t. What about you?
  15. anuskas


    Anyone here blushes when talking to someone of the opposite gender? If so can you describe some situations?