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  • hahah my real name is Andrea o_O but i've always been called Nikki, from my middle name...gets confusing. Anyways, you're correct, don't wanna go into something I dread. Which I already do, so I think I am gonna pursue this other thing. You're the only person who's told me to actually go for it.
    So you're going to a school that just offers classes in that field?
    Aw, I hope you end up really liking it, it seems like a good thing to get into. Ha, my name's Nikki. :p
    lol yea same with me. Listen to this joell ortiz tho:

    yea that song is hard, im goin to download it
    This one called shining down is my favorite from him even tho i dont listen to him that much

    I know school would be the less stupid option haha. Yeah you're right, you never know unless you try. How long have you known this is what you want to do? People always tell me I'm destined for bigger things, but I've never risked anything to reach them. I'm conflicted too!
    What's your name, by the way? haha, i'd like to put a name to the face.
    Same as you, a tech school. but they do have dorms, the school is over 2 hours away from home so I'll have to live on campus. Actually, I've been thinking more and more of ditching this whole school idea and start working as a bartender to save up money to go and do what I really wanna do. Gah...am I stupid?!
    Hahaa I have a love/hate thing with my home too, so I get you.
    lol, its after 3 and im still awake. glad to see youre not on though, hopefully that means youre sleeping!
    but...California is so far away! there's a great school for it in Pennsylvania, but to work in that field I'd surely have to move to LA. don't think I could do that alone.
    hahaha, I don't blame you. so are you living in the dorms or what?
    Aw, that's so cool. I'm going in for business administration. An office job sounds dreadful to me but it's something to get me on my feet. I really want to be a Special fx make up artist, but I'd have to move to California to do that :/
    I thought you had to start out being a cop to get into the criminal investigating? haha I'm probably wrong, though.
    It was disappointing, but still a helpful experience you know?
    SA doesn't help for anything :p
    oh cool I'm starting school in April, about the same time you are! haha. and thanks, I hope you find a good job too. What are you going to school for?
    Hey cool, my bf lives in Washington. Id actually love to live there. I love the rain, clouds and cooler weather.
    And lol, you live around rednecks and im around ghetto people... like really. I hate where I live, its so crappy and too hot.
    Well right now i live in the mountains and it actually snows sometimes. And the weather is great, in the 50-60s.

    Oh and I didnt fall asleep too late! I think I went to sleep at 3am... not too bad lol.
    haha yep, it really is.
    Aw no I didn't get the job, we both agreed it wasn't for me. I came into it thinking it was a desk job, but he wanted me to go into people's homes and sell them life insurance :/ le sigh
    Well thanks dude, don't know about me, but you just keep trying and get as down as I am, cause getting up is really hard.
    everyone always teases me about my name lol. I get lots of "sleepy" jokes... AND I AM SICK OF IT!
    I am so sorry but I now have to add you to my 'people to send a virus to because they made a joke about my name' list.

    lol, im totally just messing with you though. :p
    Hey there new friend! thanks for the request thingy. now go to sleep! lol.. i'll probably be up for another hour or two
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