Sick, dismayed, cheesed off, and very, very disappointed.
Hope things get better for you, man :thumbup:
Sick, dismayed, cheesed off, and very, very disappointed.
Well, ah'm made it clear how ah feel aboot ma oldest sister, but ma mum still insists that we need her. So ah'll jist huv tae continue puttin' up wi' her and the condesending, know-it-all attitude. The things ah do tae make others happy... Ah don't even care aboot masel' anymair. :sad:
Mate, to care about others you have to first care about yourself.
In my opinion if you can't get along with your relatives, just try to tolerate them. But Dont give them power by showing them that they cause you any distress, it only feeds their ego's.
Aye, that's true.
Kinda difficult when you've spent most of yer life puttin' other folks need ahead o' yer ain. And being telt that yer "selfish" when ye do summit for yersel' doesnae help things.
How, exactly? They've been causing me distress for a long time now, I'm pretty sure it's noticable with me. There's only some many time ye can be insulted by yer family and laugh it off... Plus, ah'm no' great at hidin' how ah feel if I'm upset aboot summit.
And not in the good way![]()
Why? What happened?
Sounds like you need space... Are you able to go hiking? Sometimes that can be a good escape.
Feeling pretty angry..frustrated...helpless at the moment.
I separated from my wife of 19 years because she's an alcoholic and she was putting our kids in danger.
I get a phone call from 'child support and maintenance' today and they inform me that I'll have to pay my ex 'child maintenance'.
I say; ' but the kids still live with me.. I'm raising them pretty much on my own now..'
'Unfortunately' she says, ' you earn more money than she does, so you have to pay her.'
Sounds like you need space... Are you able to go hiking? Sometimes that can be a good escape.
Nope, well... That might change after ah git that surgery next year.
Any other suggestions, dottie?
Feeling pretty angry..frustrated...helpless at the moment.
I separated from my wife of 19 years because she's an alcoholic and she was putting our kids in danger.
I get a phone call from 'child support and maintenance' today and they inform me that I'll have to pay my ex 'child maintenance'.
I say; ' but the kids still live with me.. I'm raising them pretty much on my own now..'
'Unfortunately' she says, ' you earn more money than she does, so you have to pay her.'