Bad Dating Experiences


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I have only been on 3 dates and they were all a waste of time, I had little to nothing in common with these women so surprise surprise they went nowhere fast.


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I went on a date a few days ago and the guy asked me how soon I usually have sex with a guy after I meet him. This is not the first time I've been asked this - another guy did this on our second date & when I said 3 months he launched into a fifteen minute lecture on how stupid that was and how absurd it would be to take a woman out for that long & spend money on her for all that time and then what if she decides she's not interested prior to the 3 month mark. Anyway, I think this kind of behavior is just unbelievably rude and I'm getting so sick of dating just because a lot of guys seem to be so clueless about what's appropriate and not appropriate to ask on a first or second date.

What bastards. I'd walk out. In my case, there is no usually. I've only had one boyfriend and it took me a year. I wouldn't wait that long next time, but I'm pretty sure I'd need a few months. Maybe about six, but who knows. I imagine most guys (even the mature ones) would be ready to dump me before I'd feel ready for sex. I'll never understand how some people can dive right into sex after only a few dates or even have one night stands. I would never feel comfortable that soon.


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And to mention the possible children in the dysfunctional relationships.

Plus, some people panic when they're approaching middle age, and then settle for a less than ideal partner because they want a family. Of course, this often results in their kids being raised in a not-so-loving home. One of the reasons for divorce.

I don't want kids at all, so at least if I'm still single by that age, I won't have this issue.


a girl asked for my number 3 or 4 years ago through a friend, I said no at first then changed my mind, so we met for lunch.

after a few minutes I panicked sweating profusely went to the toilet to compose myself was okay after that.

so we met again, didn't go that great, but we arranged to go out for a drink a few nights later.

I phoned to confirm time etc on the day panicked again ended up stuttering and stammering, but we arranged to meet, with some friends too.

I went and nobody else turned up. I wasn't that into her anyway but its a slap in the face.


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A very long time ago when I was a first year student at uni, though these days I tend not to even count it. It was with a girl I met through mutual friends - one of her friends knew one of my friends. We had seen each other around our halls of residence, but we had never properly spoken to each other. (In hindsight, that was a mistake.)

Anyway, we ended up meeting for a coffee and a snack in a cafe. I opted for a muffin to go with my coffee whilst she opted for a mineral water. It became really obvious in the first five minutes that she didn't want to hang around. She didn't seem interested and was avoiding eye contact.

No doubt me being nervous and a poor conversationalist didn't help matters, but the more I noticed how uncomfortable she was, the worse I felt. I took a bite out of my muffin and she sent a text.

The farce carried on for about another five minutes before she got a call from her friend. She had to dash off as she realised she was running late for a house viewing. I still had half a cup of coffee left and she hadn't even drank any of her water.

From meeting up with her to her rushing off, the 'date' lasted about 25 minutes. About half that time was spent walking to the cafe and ordering drinks and food. Needless to say, I had no further contact with her. The last time I saw her was at the end of year ball for our halls.


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I once went on a date with a guy to the movies... we came back and he tried to kiss me while my niece was on my lap. He then left very shortly afterwards & called me telling me he loved me when we'd only been dating a few days. Went on a date guy & he attacked my face with his tongue. Was in a relationship once where the guy came to my house & rang my doorbell for 10 minutes after I broke up with him & messaged my friends that he'd "swan-dive off of the moon for me". Once, a guy just kept biting my shoulder..?


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Several years ago I was living with my mom and had been dating a guy for a few months. He spent the night, and in the morning he went to work and I went to class. I got to school and realized I had forgotten something...when I came back home, he was sitting in the living room watching tv and eating snacks. I was rather concerned about this, considering that I had not given him a key (nor permission to enter my home while I was gone!). After we drove off he had immediately turned around and climbed through my bedroom window to hang out while I was gone. Later I found out that he had been looking at porn on my mom's computer, too.
The worst part is that I asked my sisters for advice on what to do about this, and they suggested that I give him another chance! I am never again asking my sisters for relationship advice.


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Shortly after meeting my current boyfriend, I was contacted by an acquaintance from school, asking me to accompany him and his friends on a canoe trip that was coming up. I thought it sounded fun, so I said yes and asked if I could bring my friend. I guess I should have specified "boyfriend." He wanted to meet up and discuss the details of the trip, so I met him at a coffee shop and we sat down for a bit. After a while I got a funny feeling, because he kept telling me all about himself, and asking me about myself, and not saying ANYthing about the canoe trip...eventually I realized that he thought we were on a date. Of course, I didn't have the courage to let him know that we weren't, in fact, on a date. Afterward he sent me an email telling me that I was "sveldt" and all these other nice things about me. Still, I couldn't bear telling him that it was a big mistake, so I just told him it was nice meeting him, and left it all at that. I guess it wasn't the most noble way to go about it, but anxiety and awkward situations make it really difficult to do the right thing sometimes! And I never told my bf that I accidentally went out on a date when we were already together. :p


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Then there was the time that I called up my ex-bf to ask him if he would like to go to the symphony with me because I had an extra ticket and no date. We had been broken up for a few months but were still supposed to be friends, and had talked to each other a few times after the breakup. So, night of the symphony, I got all dolled up and went to pick him up from his apartment. He comes down wearing jeans, and was DRUNK. We went to dinner beforehand, and I gave him a small gift that I had seen and thought he would appreciate. He said thanks and stuck it in his pocket. I was miserable and didn't really talk through dinner (he was too busy sipping his beer to notice). When we walked to the theatre some random lady stopped us on the street to tell us what a nice looking couple we were. I cried (quietly) all through the symphony performance, and he pretended not to notice. Afterward he kept pawing at me in the car, and when I dropped him off he invited me to come up to his apartment. That certainly did not happen because at that point I never wanted to see him or talk to him ever again. He never apologized for that night, and I haven't seen him since!


Well-known member
I could go on....but, moral of the story is: don't give up. Sometimes you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince/princess. When you do find someone who is perfect for you, all those bad experiences will just become funny little anecdotes that you post on forums to amuse people.


Well-known member
i havent really had any bad dating experiences. just some extremely boring dates with my ex, which consisted of walking around a mall for an hour, sitting in his car not talking for a few hours, then going out to a crappy fast food restaurant.


Well-known member
Never,once a girl liked me and convinced me to go out with her,she was so funny and cute that I couldnt say no,turned out that she was married and she ended up going out with the ******* instead.....


Well-known member
Haven't had much bad dating experience but a couple stories come to mind:
-Went out to dinner with this guy once after I got off of work. I had two bags with me, so instead of lugging them around I left the bigger one in his car and took my smaller purse into the restaurant with me. I guess he assumed I was leaving my purse in the car so he said, "oh, leaving your purse in the car so I have to pay for dinner huh? I see how it is." I guess it was just sarcasm but I had a hard time relaxing after that and I was already pretty nervous.
-Met a guy through a friend once, we had seen each other in person a few times but never really spoke much. He started talking to me online and expressed interest, I didn't really know much about him so we spent some time getting to know each other and talked on the phone occasionally. After we finally decided to meet up for a "date" we were working out the details on the phone and out of the blue he was like "should I bring a condom?" and started asking me how far I was willing to go. I got pretty quiet after that and instead of realizing he was being an ass he said, "well if you're gonna be all awkward I don't know if I'll even bother coming". Needless to say, I didn't speak to him again after that. Weeks later I was on college break and at my parent's house, late one night I woke up to the sound of firecrackers going off outside my window. Found out through my friend later on that it was him doing it with his roommate, and he told her to tell me. Quite weird.
-Was all excited when I thought I had a thing going with this one guy, we hadn't gone on an official date but had talked about it a lot and discussed what we were gonna do.....then one night I was coming out of work and I saw him walking by holding hands with a girl. He saw me and just kept on walking like he didn't know me, didn't bother to even say hi. I was pretty bummed but I figured I had just assumed too much. He later told me she was his new girlfriend. I stayed friends with him anyways, and eventually he started trying to be flirty with me again even though he was with her. Oy.


Well-known member
-Met a guy through a friend once, we had seen each other in person a few times but never really spoke much. He started talking to me online and expressed interest, I didn't really know much about him so we spent some time getting to know each other and talked on the phone occasionally. After we finally decided to meet up for a "date" we were working out the details on the phone and out of the blue he was like "should I bring a condom?" and started asking me how far I was willing to go. I got pretty quiet after that and instead of realizing he was being an ass he said, "well if you're gonna be all awkward I don't know if I'll even bother coming". Needless to say, I didn't speak to him again after that. Weeks later I was on college break and at my parent's house, late one night I woke up to the sound of firecrackers going off outside my window. Found out through my friend later on that it was him doing it with his roommate, and he told her to tell me. Quite weird.

Wow, lol. How old was this guy, fourteen? He sounds like a real charmer.