Haven't had much bad dating experience but a couple stories come to mind:
-Went out to dinner with this guy once after I got off of work. I had two bags with me, so instead of lugging them around I left the bigger one in his car and took my smaller purse into the restaurant with me. I guess he assumed I was leaving my purse in the car so he said, "oh, leaving your purse in the car so I have to pay for dinner huh? I see how it is." I guess it was just sarcasm but I had a hard time relaxing after that and I was already pretty nervous.
-Met a guy through a friend once, we had seen each other in person a few times but never really spoke much. He started talking to me online and expressed interest, I didn't really know much about him so we spent some time getting to know each other and talked on the phone occasionally. After we finally decided to meet up for a "date" we were working out the details on the phone and out of the blue he was like "should I bring a condom?" and started asking me how far I was willing to go. I got pretty quiet after that and instead of realizing he was being an ass he said, "well if you're gonna be all awkward I don't know if I'll even bother coming". Needless to say, I didn't speak to him again after that. Weeks later I was on college break and at my parent's house, late one night I woke up to the sound of firecrackers going off outside my window. Found out through my friend later on that it was him doing it with his roommate, and he told her to tell me. Quite weird.
-Was all excited when I thought I had a thing going with this one guy, we hadn't gone on an official date but had talked about it a lot and discussed what we were gonna do.....then one night I was coming out of work and I saw him walking by holding hands with a girl. He saw me and just kept on walking like he didn't know me, didn't bother to even say hi. I was pretty bummed but I figured I had just assumed too much. He later told me she was his new girlfriend. I stayed friends with him anyways, and eventually he started trying to be flirty with me again even though he was with her. Oy.