I Know very well how SP / SA sucks but Test Your SA level


Well-known member
i am just 23 but Friends i feels my self in a cage ! suffering from it for couples of months ! but unfortunately did not get rid of it ! it makes you coward , recently i have test my self and i have got 37, it means my SA hits MODERATE LEVEL !
here is a link test your Level and share your Results !

share your Exp and knowledge, does SA/SP effects on Stamina or leads unintentional fatigue ?

Psych Central - Anxiety Screening Quiz

One of my Friend he is 56 years old he is perfect calm relax and happy, his experience about Anxiety is " peace and relaxation can beat SA/SP and he says you can find peace only when you get closer to god ! start praying and do good deeds for others !

i dont know it works or not but intend to try this !

Thanking you:cool:


Well-known member
I took it a couple of times with some time in between, I got 19 and 25, so more or less mild-moderate, I guess.

It used to be worse.


Well-known member
i think test levels depends upon our daily life routine and occasions, i.e if you are leaving sad, depressed due to any relative's death, shortage of money or job, or failed in exams etc, if you take Anxiety test during black days the result must varies greater SA Level..


Well-known member
Hey, I got 14!! Mild anxiety according to the test!! :) But I still think that SA is more linked to thoughts, and this test is focused essentially on physical symptoms, so I don't completely agree with the result.


Well-known member
28 ~ it has been a difficult month though, and I've done a few things that I'm totally uncomfortable with. I'll still do them, I'll just hope to feel better about them. The things I've been anxious about this month have gone well, and there's no reason not to give them another go.

I agree with *Amy* though.

Ms Cloud

Well-known member
But I still think that SA is more linked to thoughts, and this test is focused essentially on physical symptoms, so I don't completely agree with the result.
That's the difference between anxiety, and anxiety disorder. If your anxiety doesn't manifest in physical symptoms, then you don't have the disorder. You are unlucky to have anxiety, but you're lucky to not have the disorder.

I have the disorder, myself. My anxiety is totally physical and not linked to thoughts at all. I can't think it away with positive thoughts. My thoughts are always positive anyway... it just doesn't make any difference. The anxiety happens all by itself.

Anyway... that's why the test focuses on physical symptoms.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I scored a 36.

I had not associated these things with anxiety before (e.g. chest pain, numbing, feeling faint etc.) I get that feeling of being "unreal" often and it really bugs me. Now I see it all ties in together.

Dex Dorrey

Active member
every one of these tests i take i always rate out as severe SA, but for whatever reason i got a 5 (no anxiety).....that just cant be right


not actually Fiona Apple
I scored a 16. Physical symptoms are not a real issue for me, in some situations they'll present themselves but usually I don't have them so much.


Well-known member
That's the difference between anxiety, and anxiety disorder. If your anxiety doesn't manifest in physical symptoms, then you don't have the disorder. You are unlucky to have anxiety, but you're lucky to not have the disorder.

I have the disorder, myself. My anxiety is totally physical and not linked to thoughts at all. I can't think it away with positive thoughts. My thoughts are always positive anyway... it just doesn't make any difference. The anxiety happens all by itself.

Anyway... that's why the test focuses on physical symptoms.

My anxiety disorder, something I was diagnosed with is directly linked to my thoughts, and this can bring on physical symptoms. Of course everything each doctor, therapist, and counsellor has tried to teach me about my anxiety disorder is wrong, but I don't think so.