I never make the first move on here


Well-known member
I mean all my listed friends on here have added me, i've never added anyone to my friends list. It's not because i don't like anyone it's because i feel unworthy. This is pretty much in real life too; I wait for people to invite me to the cinema and stuff, i never initiate anything.


It can be hard sometimes...I always feel like im bothering people.Then I get all silly if they take a while to reply and worry if I have said something wrong...::eek::

But you should try,your a nice guy and people wouldn't of added you if they didn't want to talk to you or your "unworthy",I know its hard but sometimes you just have to jump in at the deep end.

Maybe just start off by just saying "hey"?People will understand if your not Mr talkative right away.


Well-known member
I mean all my listed friends on here have added me, i've never added anyone to my friends list. It's not because i don't like anyone it's because i feel unworthy. This is pretty much in real life too; I wait for people to invite me to the cinema and stuff, i never initiate anything.

Same here.

Also I feel too awkward asking the guy I work with to go to the pub or anything, because I think he's probably got more interesting people he'd rather do something with.


Well-known member
Well, why not start small? Start here. Try making the first move and adding someone. A regular, perhaps. And, if by some chance they don't accept (unlikely), nobody else has seen it.

Give it a go.


Well-known member
I always feel the need to private message people that messaged me in the past ,must be annoying to some people,sometimes it drives me crazy if I should pm or not,most of the times I end up not doing.


Nor do I lol,think im bovering them and there gonna think "what does that nobody want"

Its like, I always hesitate to be the first to reply to a thread just in case ive completely missed the point and say something stupid, but I have done in the past and where they stupid?


Well-known member
well I have a whopping 2 friends on here and they've both added me. Maybe it's time to get pro-active.


Active member
Yeah, sometime i do feel like i am bugging them for being the one to initiate the movement first. Well, moderate initiation is needed however, oh well, that's what i have learnt pass 2 years.

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
Same here, I never make the first move for pretty much anything because I´m 99% sure that people will end up rejecting me anyways...such thinking even applies to the
online world, as I have the astonishing amount of 1 friend and I recently read that he
is banned so I guess that makes that 1 a 0...go me >.> it is pretty much the same in
real life, so I would say that I´m getting slowly used to it :)

See you around :)


Well-known member
At least you have friends here. :) I normally wait for others to come to me. I just assume that if people don't approach me it's because they have no interest which is alright with me and if they have an interest in meeting me then they'll approach me. Women never approach me but when they do initiate a conversation or small talk it usually involves invidious or indirect aggressive comments like "You have such nice hair! Is it real?" or "You're so skinny! Do you eat?" Now I've found out that people have been asking others who know me if my boobs are fake.


Well-known member
Usually I am the same way but I have sent out a few friend requests on here but over messenger I never message anyone first. It's not that I don't want to chat, I'm just so afraid they are already busy and I don't want to be a bother.
Same here :) I don't feel worth anything. I have a couple of friends here, but never wrote any messages for them. And they did the first move. In the real world I'm the same. Never making the first move. I tried organizing some stuff, but after a few failures I have stoped doing first move. I think I need to put more risk to my life. Such things look very simple but I'm overthinking about them. Maybe for some people it looks silly?


Well-known member
I never make the first move either, but lately I've begun to "try" anyway. It's mainly because I am afraid I'll bother others, like they think like "What does he want?", or also because I am afraid I'll have to be myself and talk about personal things I am ashamed of, like my life, etc.
Adding or having friends here is not always something that happens right away... because you have to read their posts first or chat with them to get an idea what kind of people they are. But some members don't post or write much, so... Unless you just want to add friends for the sake of it like on facebook, where you can have one thousand friends even if you have never even talked to them once.