Post your picture thread

Gone said:
freestylemonster said:
lol why does everybody hate Ray Romano so much?? He's funny!!

I love photography and I have a website with all my photos on it. Tell me what you think!

Ryan i like your photography, specialy the first picture, have you thought about posting some higher resolution versions?

I think that's pretty much the highest resolution I can get with my camera, plus I want people with slow computers to be able to see them without waiting 5 hours for them to load haha


Well-known member
Since I got my phone to work with my pc, thought I'd post a pic I thought was pretty good of me



Well-known member
Me and my baby meow, Vyana


1st picture evAr on this website...took me long enough.
*Now all I have to do is click the submit button...*


hippiechild said:
Me and my baby meow, Vyana


1st picture evAr on this website...took me long enough.
*Now all I have to do is click the submit button...*

You look stunning.


Well-known member
An other picture of myself :


An other picture of my cat (taken by my sister in her room) :


A picture of the family dog and chinchilla :



Well-known member
Pink_Glitter said:
This pic is super they always get on? I love Sharpei's little wrinkly buggers lol

Thanks :D.
Yes, they always get on. Actually, the dog is a bit scared by the chinchilla.


Well-known member
Ok heres the reason I started to post on here. Honestly my opinion of myself is I don't think I'm not good looking but I don't think I'm the best looking either I wanna hear people's opinions on the way I look. I need to hear what people think of me. I really don't know how people look at me in real life, but I'm curious how you guys see me, like a normal person? isolated? wat? I really wanna know. Here's a pic I took right now.