Does anyone know that you use this website?


Active member
I started using this website about 2 and half years ago and found it an amazing comfort and huuuge source of info. I forgot my login details, hence the new avatar and name!

But I remember feeling such a huge relief when i discovered what my condition was called and that there was a whole world of people out there just like me. I was delighted and told my family about it.

I have noticed that they dont seem to like it if they know Im using this site, I think they think im wasting time, and deep down, i think somehow that they dont fully understand what my problem is- that its just a phase?

i just dont know...but it really annoys me when they walk into the room and say 'are you on that site again?'! Anyone else have this problem?

Or maybe I should have kept my mouth shut and not mentioned it in the first place! wishing i hadn't now! :?


Well-known member
I don't want anyone in my family to know that I use this site. It would be way too embarrassing for me. I've never discussed it with them, and as far as I know, they are clueless about it.


Well-known member
actually i can visit it everywhere and no one will even notice, no one that can see me visiting this website speak english ;) - it's somewhat confusing because i feel safe writing here.

but yes i try to conceal it from others ^^ - it's generally easy because i'm always locked in my room :roll:


Well-known member
my sister knows, no on else. i don't feel embarrassed about it i leave the page open if my anyone comes in my room
Is there any way to change your name (illumination86) on this site? I guess you'd have to create a new account...

I'm concerned about privacy.


Well-known member
The only person who knows is the only person I really talk to-- my mom. She doesn't know the name of the site, but I sometimes talk about "social anxiety sites" & this is one of them.


Well-known member
I haven't told anyone. I'm not embarrassed about it though. I just prefer to keep certain parts of my life separate from other parts.


Well-known member
My daughter thinks it's cool and wanted to join even though she doesn't have SA. But I told two people at work and they looked at me like I was crazy, shook their head and walked away without a word.


Super Moderator
I told two people at work and they looked at me like I was crazy, shook their head and walked away without a word.

That's usually how stupid ignorant people react when they are told something their little minds can not comprehend. They don't have the brains to try and understand at least, instead they judge based on their very limited knowledge. They aren't worth your time.


I don't know if anybody knows, but there is an easy way for them to find out. I won't say what it is, but so be it. If someone happens to come and find me here, welcome ::p:.


That's usually how stupid ignorant people react when they are told something their little minds can not comprehend. They don't have the brains to try and understand at least, instead they judge based on their very limited knowledge. They aren't worth your time.

Agree with Hellhound, you always have some good answer :).


Well-known member
No seeing as i only joined a few days ago, im not just gonna tell people for the sake of it lol
If someone saw my laptop and asked i would tell them though =)
Im not ashamed of the forums i join up too.


Well-known member
I don't tell anyone purely because I don't want to open up a conversation about my SA with people who don't understand.
In saying that, when I'm down you guys cheer me up and remind me that there are so many others out there that understand and endure worse. And when I'm up I hope that I cheer up some of you and show you that you're not alone.
So I love this site, thankyou all for being always being understanding and supportive
Although I do get a bit obsessed and forget to study.....damn ADHD!