As a matter of my paranoia (for lack of a better word), I keep a couple old army backpacks and a duffel bag stuffed with the essentials for my family's survival/escape/evasion, including survival gear, clothes, Ka Bar knife, toiletries, assault weapons, trauma kits, etc. My plan is to head for the rough country and wait it out while keeping a low profile. I would do everything I could to help others and take them with us. If I have to ram through road blocks with my vehicle, so be it. If I have to "requisition" one of the city's deuce-and-a-half army trucks to get away, I don't care. Gunning down zombies/infected/insurgents, well... my wife and children come first, period. After holing up when we get to my ideal spot, I would go out at night, alone, to look for other survivors and "borrow" some horses. I'd evacuate as many people as I could find to safety. I have the things we'd need and I'd steal what I don't have. I realize that my plan is far from perfect and things never go as planned but I'd rather have a plan and some equipment than be caught empty handed. I'm not an internet Rambo or a true prepper but a regular guy that won't go down without a fight.