Your anxiety and the apocalypse


Well-known member
If the apocalypse came (zombie, plague, or otherwise) and you were one of few survivors struggling to find food, shelter, and safety, what would you do? Would you band together with others or hole yourself up alone in the best available spot ASAP?
As a matter of my paranoia (for lack of a better word), I keep a couple old army backpacks and a duffel bag stuffed with the essentials for my family's survival/escape/evasion, including survival gear, clothes, Ka Bar knife, toiletries, assault weapons, trauma kits, etc. My plan is to head for the rough country and wait it out while keeping a low profile. I would do everything I could to help others and take them with us. If I have to ram through road blocks with my vehicle, so be it. If I have to "requisition" one of the city's deuce-and-a-half army trucks to get away, I don't care. Gunning down zombies/infected/insurgents, well... my wife and children come first, period. After holing up when we get to my ideal spot, I would go out at night, alone, to look for other survivors and "borrow" some horses. I'd evacuate as many people as I could find to safety. I have the things we'd need and I'd steal what I don't have. I realize that my plan is far from perfect and things never go as planned but I'd rather have a plan and some equipment than be caught empty handed. I'm not an internet Rambo or a true prepper but a regular guy that won't go down without a fight.
As inept as I am in real life, I actually think I'd excel in the apocalypse. Scavenging, hiding, fighting, travelling and improvising have always come natural to me since a young age. But they have little use in modern day life (job wise).

I think I'd try to make it on my own first, but would probably join others after a month or three if the opportunity presented itself. Self sufficient - but strong in numbers, if that makes sense. Survival instinct may proof an social anxiety suppressor in a funny kind of way.


Well-known member
As inept as I am in real life, I actually think I'd excel in the apocalypse. Scavenging, hiding, fighting, travelling and improvising have always come natural to me since a young age. But they have little use in modern day life (job wise).

I think I'd try to make it on my own first, but would probably join others after a month or three if the opportunity presented itself. Self sufficient - but strong in numbers, if that makes sense. Survival instinct may proof an social anxiety suppressor in a funny kind of way.

That may well be true. Who has time to judge when you're trying to find food, stay warm, and not die?


Well-known member
I've found a quiz about how well you would survive a zombie apocalypse. It's quite detailed actually: The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Survival Quiz

I have a 56,4% chance or survival... But I don't think I'd survive for very long, maybe a few weeks. I'd be way too scared to fight them, but I think I'd be okay at finding solutions, so I'd find some strong people to help me. When it's a matter of survival, I wouldn't care so much about social anxiety.
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Well-known member
Logically, assuming you WANTED to live, your chances are better in a group.

Id be trying my best to band together with others.


Well-known member
Since I'm still clocking a ten minute mile on the treadmill, I doubt I'd last long. Being borderline suicidal in a non-apocalyptic environment doesn't bode well for that situation either. :/


Well-known member
I've found a quiz about how well you would survive a zombie apocalypse. It's quite detailed actually: The Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Survival Quiz

I have a 56,4% chance or survival... But I don't think I'd survive for very long, maybe a few weeks. I'd be way too scared to fight them, but I think I'd be okay at finding solutions, so I'd find some strong people to help me. When it's a matter of survival, I wouldn't care so much about social anxiety.

I got a 78.9% Not bad!
To answer the OP's question, though, I think I would definitely seek out a group to tag along with (though I might end up getting fed up and striking out of my own eventually, who knows).


Well-known member
zombie apocalypse this weekend in front of my store:


oh, wait... never mind

they're just a bunch of drunk people listening to polka music


I think I'd do a lot better in this kind of situation than in everyday life. Keeping to yourself and not getting involved in things is an excellent way to avoid conflicts as well as keep your exposure to unreasonable/infected people to a minimum.

It's also how I maintain my sanity in everyday life.
zombie apocalypse this weekend in front of my store:


oh, wait... never mind

they're just a bunch of drunk people listening to polka music

did any of them stop to ask you if they could borrow your bottle opener?:bigsmile:


Well-known member
I would try to find as big a group as possible and join them and hope for the best. But my survival skills probably wouldn't get me too far and they'd find me hiding in a corner rocking back and forth, sobbing, and quietly singing show tunes to myself.


Well-known member
I got a 78.3%.

imma stickin with Marie! and coy! bc he could moderate the survivors forum AND open bottles!