Would your SA matter if you were a multi-billionaire who was very attractive?


Well-known member
If I had a billion dollars my SA would get worse 10 fold because I could afford to have zero contact with the outside world and just live a big castle by myself...it actually sounds like paradise to be honest...accept that when I got there I'd realize I'm alone and it sucks...but at least on the way there I'd be really happy and looking forward to it.

if you had money, then you can afford knowledge, enlightenment and various mind and body techniques that makes you a more capable than a common individual... You can see things and places, the whole way you'd be looking at the world would be different...
I would still have my SA because If I was a billionaire I would move out into a massive cabin in the wilds, about a 100 miles away from any form of social interaction :D


Well-known member
I think the only benefit would be plenty of money for plenty of therapy. There's no sure shot cure so, yes it would still matter a whole lot, even with all the money in the world. It could also backfire by making it easier for me to not leave my house ever. Also, I am considered attractive, and I still have a pretty bad case of SA.
if you had money, then you can afford knowledge, enlightenment and various mind and body techniques that makes you a more capable than a common individual... You can see things and places, the whole way you'd be looking at the world would be different...

You can gain all this free.
I think the only benefit would be plenty of money for plenty of therapy. There's no sure shot cure so, yes it would still matter a whole lot, even with all the money in the world. It could also backfire by making it easier for me to not leave my house ever. Also, I am considered attractive, and I still have a pretty bad case of SA.

People need to stop depending on doctors, meds and therapy. No one is going to fix your beliefs and circumstances but yourself. Doctors, meds and therapy CAN help in some ways, but most is dependent on you.


Well-known member
I agree with you mostly, but I think battling any mental affliction is a combo of three things: Willpower, knowledge and application. Most people have the willpower *hand raised* but simply don't know what the *uck to do. Therapy is helpful for those who really want guidance for specific issues. A game plan of sorts.

Plus, I think it's really irresponsible to make comments about leaving it on the individual completely, especially when one WANTS help from an outside source, be it medication or therapy.
I agree with you mostly, but I think battling any mental affliction is a combo of three things: Willpower, knowledge and application. Most people have the willpower *hand raised* but simply don't know what the *uck to do. Therapy is helpful for those who really want guidance for specific issues. A game plan of sorts.

Plus, I think it's really irresponsible to make comments about leaving it on the individual completely, especially when one WANTS help from an outside source, be it medication or therapy.

Start tapping into your values in life. Discover yourself, think about who you want to be and want out of life. Then go after it. Don't try and impress people. Life is about YOU and what you value. Start forcing yourself to become more independent, more opportunities will arise. You will not get anything done and will not live, and will lose precious life experience if you avoid life and isolate yourself.

Yeah I know anxiety and depression is tough, but who isn't depressed and anxious form time to time? Its really all an excuse. Alot of it is there in the first place because of your circumstances, change your circumstances! Stop isolating, stop complaining, stop being jealous of others, stop comparing yourself to others etc. Sooner or later you are going to realize you need to suck it up and start to live despite how you feel. As you gain more experience with life and stop over analyzing things your belief system also changes. Anxiety and depression lessen as a result. There is no secret other than just living. Live the way you want and you have to take risks and be willing to have some discomfort.
A good tip for people that are jealous and compare themselves: Turn the TV off, and don't hang around people who gossip and compare with others. Its all garbage for your head.


Well-known member
You've got a stiff style to your approach, don't ya ;) You do have some very good points PunkRotten, but don't think that everyone is just being 'whiny' 'jealous' or 'TV obsessed'. Those are some very specific values you are applying to the general public, and we all know nothing is true for everyone.

Sometimes it isn't just about the individual, sometimes it is also about the environment, and how it is not accepting of true 'individuals'. Afterall, how do you separate one from the other? It's all connected. Each affects the other. Just becoming your true self doesn't assure social happiness, in fact it can make us realize just how special and unique.... and lonely, we are in this cookie cutter world.


Well-known member
If I were a billionaire, I'd use my billions to buy me an island to isolate myself. It would be an enabler. I already have the capability to be attractive (most people do) but I dumb down my looks by wearing plain clothes, no make-up, etc. because I don't want attention.

Wow...I'm messed up. XD

But no. I don't think exposure by itself helps. Otherwise, none of us would be socially anxious because we were forced to go to school and that's exposure. Even if you don't have friends, you have to give presentations and participate to some extent in class. You have to choose help. It can't be forced upon you otherwise you'll resist it even more.
If I were a billionaire, I'd use my billions to buy me an island to isolate myself. It would be an enabler. I already have the capability to be attractive (most people do) but I dumb down my looks by wearing plain clothes, no make-up, etc. because I don't want attention.

Wow...I'm messed up. XD

You are seriously *ucking cool dude, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, you're not messed up just carefree and awesome.
You've got a stiff style to your approach, don't ya ;) You do have some very good points PunkRotten, but don't think that everyone is just being 'whiny' 'jealous' or 'TV obsessed'. Those are some very specific values you are applying to the general public, and we all know nothing is true for everyone.

Sometimes it isn't just about the individual, sometimes it is also about the environment, and how it is not accepting of true 'individuals'. Afterall, how do you separate one from the other? It's all connected. Each affects the other. Just becoming your true self doesn't assure social happiness, in fact it can make us realize just how special and unique.... and lonely, we are in this cookie cutter world.

I agree. This is a major factor for some.


Well-known member
And besides the true individual, many cultures are not very accepting of those who are simply introverted. It is still considered almost eccentric, when in fact it's perfectly normal, and a large percentage of every population.
Just becoming your true self doesn't assure social happiness, in fact it can make us realize just how special and unique.... and lonely, we are in this cookie cutter world.

True that ;). I think sometimes we have to give in a little to society's "injustices" in order to be happier. Of course you can simply be yourself entirely but that might cause you to be a lonely person. Thus, it might be better to give in to society a little in order to have things in common with "most people", in order to not be lonely.

Great overall post btw man, you really hit the nail on the head ;).
Thank you! <3 I need a "just carefree and awesome" shirt now. ::p:


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