Would your SA matter if you were a multi-billionaire who was very attractive?


Well-known member
Money would make me happier, but cash itself won't cure anxiety. Ludwig II was probably the richest person in Bavaria in his time, but he still had severe social anxiety. Michael Jackson probably earned more than a billion dollars from his career, but still had extreme BDD, with subsequent anxiety.


not actually Fiona Apple
If I had that much money SA wouldn't be my biggest issue anymore. If anything I think it would make it worse though. Everyone noticing you, wanting to be you, putting you way up high on a pedestal. My expectations for myself are already too high, if other people started doing that to me, it would not end well...

The highs may be higher but the lows would get so much lower, and you don't come back from that. ::(:


Well-known member
If I had that much money SA wouldn't be my biggest issue anymore. If anything I think it would make it worse though. Everyone noticing you, wanting to be you, putting you way up high on a pedestal. My expectations for myself are already too high, if other people started doing that to me, it would not end well...

The highs may be higher but the lows would get so much lower, and you don't come back from that. ::(:

That's so true. I can't stand expectation, even if someone else's expectations of me aren't that high... It feels like commitment and I'd rather not disappoint.


Well-known member
Many of us have trouble in daily life with the "its all in your head" theory. All in your head meaning you do it to yourself. Untrue. SA like depression can be a result of environmental and mental factors. What you experienced in your life and your brain chemistry/structure.

Some of us have other conditions which either cause or are caused by the others. I have high functioning autism and depression in addition to SA and general anxiety. It impairs my ability to relate to people, to read them and understand them and I have trouble functioning like others do.

I won't suddenly get better by sheer force of will. Especially when my will is weakened.

As for money and attractiveness making you better, it can only improve your situation and for many that is only half the battle as part of your very makeup is the culprit.