Would You Rather?


Well-known member
Air. I love air travel though not something I do often.

Would you rather be highly intelligent with average looks or be a stunner with average brains?


Well-known member
highly intelligent with average looks, less people notice you. Would you rather be successful during your life time but quickly forgotten after your death or relativly unknown during your like time and popular after your death?
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The first thing, because that's how to live in the moment. or I should become a singer as popular as Madonna ,would be nice as well. This question I don't really think about, since after death I don't think about too much, I think about the here and now. ;)

Would you rather be alone with SA or be in a world full of social phobic's?

Oh, what was the question..?

Tricky question. If I were alone I'd be the only one to suffer which is good, but then I could be condemned for it since it's this weird unique thing. But otherwise everyone would suffer.. I think I'd go for the first, and take one for the team..

Would you rather go on holiday somewhere REALLY hot or somewhere REALLY cold?


Well-known member
I'd rather have a job I like but doesn't pay great. Life is too short to be miserable everyday at work.

Would you rather live the rest of your life alone but be a billionaire, or be relatively poor but be married/cohabiting with your soulmate.


Well-known member
If the person really is my soulmate(I highly doubt soulmates exist) then I'll take poor and living with my soulmate.

Would you rather be a musician or businessman/ woman?


Active member
I rather would be a musician that way you can meet people and maybe even travel around the world playing your music :)

and would you rather live a very long life but a boring one or a very short one but a very exciting one?


Well-known member
a middle length life with life that has boring and exciting moments

would you rather have a trex or a trex-sized panda as a vehicle