Why do so many people here seem not interested in trying to beat it?


Well-known member
I have pretty much given up hope in finding happiness... Mainly because I have tried so many different things, and in my "real" life outside of the net, all my family and friends are wrapped up in their own problems and don't really give a care about me... I think if I had someone to take me by the "hand" and actually give me a push, to show me how dating or asking a girl out on a date or what ever, I think it would benefit me a great deal by just that... But since nobody cares one way or another about me, I don't have much else to live for I guess. Other than a few small insignificant happy moments that don't last more than a few hours, there really isn't much for me to keep existing.
I believe the term we are looking for here, is novelty. Aka new things. Could be referred to as "change". People suffering from sa and avpd commonly suffer from ocd and other symptomatic issues resulting in some form of routine. How does one who lives their life around patterns, which form a type of safety zone around them, break from this routine? Be it cognitive, or behavioural? Looking into the future in the mind set I spend most of my time, I just can't see myself doing the things so called normal people do as it just makes me incredibly anxious and afraid of the changes needed to take place. Damn cycles of self destruction.


Well-known member
You’re right but it also hard to be like "well I am all in it for myself" when there’s so many nice people on here. When, you see someone down on here an automatic response is to give advice or say something to try and make things better for that person. I, know that doesn’t work a little of that is needed, but ultimately people have to learn to be their own best friends, if they are going to conquer this.

I, have seen a lot of people put forth effort to reach out to people (Those people are true warrior angels to extend that kind of care toward others on here) because, I know that’s an extremely difficult thing to care about others when you don’t feel that great about yourself. I have often admired it, but thought it’s got to be an exhausting thing for them to do, because we know how your mind works you will just pass it off as oh, it’s not true, they are just being nice and so on.

I, hope people do focus their energies on something positive and a bit more productive even if it’s small each day, you may not see the point, but we are a part of this life and it is a constant battle, the good is worth fighting for because it's sure not pleasant being negative. Like, smiling it probably requires less energy to do but it feels like more because we use most of that energy on frowning, so when we do smile it feels like more effort, it’s probably the same we are so use to dwelling in the negative that anytime we are positive it feels exhausting but in actual fact, it probably requires more energy to be negative.
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Well-known member
I have done every possible effort to beat my SP, and I think I have succeeded. The problems I am still facing are more related to 'bad luck' than SP. However,,I still love coming on this forum, because there are many things from SP past that I still need to get out of my chest. So as you can see, The people on this forum are not 'loosers' , in fast I find them so clever and brave. You should know when you have SP even online chat is difficult and sometimes impossible. Joining the forum is itself fa sign that people want to beat their SP.
i'd also add that it's not only sp itself that is painful: but evrything associated with it such as loneliness, depression, lack of affection. I am missing those thigs in my life, it has been years since I haven't felt in love or connected with someone. Don't forget that SP is a disease and you cannot blame people for being ill and trying to beat something they cannot control.


Well-known member
Yeah, although it was nice to read that their are others with my problems this
site can be damn negative and honestly sometimes I cannot even log on here
because of the negativity.

Sometimes I get the impression that it's like a competition, that is, whose life is
most pathetic. Which is just sad. I am not accusing I have been part of that rat
race also.

I am going to give myself a dead-line soon and I will probably asked to be banned
from here. As I have seen others do and I can only hope they have found happiness.

You shouldn't talk like that, you are discouraging so many people: don't you think that this forum helped you at least a little ?

secretly awesome

Well-known member
Well, this is my very first post and I just discovered the website yesterday. I just spent the majority of the last two years drinking in a bed. My mentality was "I give up". I just started going to a therapy group this week, and I would never have even wanted to look at this site if I wasn't starting to entertain the idea of getting better. That being said, I am honestly not very far from returning to total apathy.
Hmm i feel good when i read that i'm not alone.
Of course it isnt good to talk about negative all the time,
but its good to talk about your problems too.
But not too much.
Everyone just wants to tell his story, i dont think its bad.
but people with social anxiety are mostly people who give up very quick, and they have a low self esteem, so we cant really help it.
But we sure want to be more positive, and youre right that we should fight more!!!!

So its good that you said this to us all. Its a good message. thank you.