Why do so many people here seem not interested in trying to beat it?


Well-known member
I agree with Jim and chained, spw is a comfort zone. unfortunately we must get out of the comfort zone if we want to progress.


Well-known member
For me, I know my stuttering will never go away. I can do something about my SA, avoiding people, etc. It's something I always work on...it's very hard.


Well-known member
I've actually become more interested in beating it, which is probably why I haven't been as active on here lately. That, and I've been busy with school.

Generally, I'm not a huge fan of bitching, yet I bitch a lot. At least, up until recently I did. Felt kinda hypocritical doing the very thing I can't stand to hear someone else do, y'know?

For me, making an attempt to beat it has eliminated most of my desire to rant/rave all the time about how miserable I am. I cherish every bit of small talk I get into, as dorky as that may sound, because it's one closer step to actually making friends. I still get anxious, don't get me wrong, but I've gotten to the point where I'm fed up with it all and sick of feeling sorry for myself.


i was born a nutcase, and i will die a bigger nutcase!
once you get into that frame of mind, feeling sorry about stuff goes out the window!!

i just fart around and enjoy it :)


Well-known member
I completely agree with you. This site, as well as other anxiety related sites, are very negative. When I first joined, it was great. It was nice to know that I wasn't alone in my struggles. But, after awhile it just bummed me out and depressed me. Everyone shares their stories of disappointment, but few people share their stories of success. I just left for awhile and only came back when I was having troubles with something.

I also agree in the fact that it seems like nobody wants to help themselves. Many of the people here have had their anxiety and other issues for a long time and haven't made progress in beating them. They probably feel as though there's no hope left. However, when you see others out there living their lives...How can one not have hope? I've always been an optimistic person, and I'll never understand pessimistic people, but I can't say that the way they live is wrong. That's my take on it anyway.
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Yeah, although it was nice to read that their are others with my problems this
site can be damn negative and honestly sometimes I cannot even log on here
because of the negativity.

Sometimes I get the impression that it's like a competition, that is, whose life is
most pathetic. Which is just sad. I am not accusing I have been part of that rat
race also.

I am going to give myself a dead-line soon and I will probably asked to be banned
from here. As I have seen others do and I can only hope they have found happiness.
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Well-known member
yeh i mean essentially this is a therapy based forum, so its obvious people are going to come here and vent especially in this particular area
(mainSP-forum) its the same as therapy, you go and express your frustrations and get advice...

if you go into off topic then its not like that at all.

i also believe the threads and most responses are a good mixture of positive and negative opinions...

i mean if you want an only positive/happy place to go and talk then go and sign up to a pro life polyana forum and be as cheery as you like or chat to your friends on msn or whatever, or just be your happy go lucky selves here but really while your life may be on the mend others may have serious depression/sa..i mean we just don't know the extent of it. there are many people on this forum who have minimal SA but their lives in other areas are going great and others who are struggling in varying degrees etc...

but really to come here and complain about negative threads in an SP main forum is like asking why people talk about janes addiction in a janes addiction main forum. to break it down even more, SA is not really a positive subject matter for the most part, so you get what i'm saying.

i don't think people would even sign up here unless they truly wanted to beat it, i just think some people need a push more than others, generally when something happens they'll talk about it here and people will reply with solutions opinions and such..
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Well-known member
I'm not here to improve or cure. No website can be a substitute for a doctor or therapy. I'm here precisely to be comfortable. Yes, for me it's like a comfort zone, which I think we all deserve. I see nothing wrong with this. Perhaps I'll go to the doctor again some day, or I won't. I'm not really sure. I don't know why should someone give good attitude/bad attitude credentials.


Well-known member
i do say i have to agree with this thread , but having said that people take comfort in talking about there problems , and we all need someone to talk to sometimes , some people on here like raz has overcome there problems , and seeing him do it makes you realize its possible to get better .....
If you're not positive in your own head, and you're not surrounded by positive people, and you don't receive positivity from other sources, it's a foreign concept that just makes you feel bad about feeling unable to experience it. The people who do make positive threads are clearly in a better state of mind. If you feel you can improve the way you think, great, but that doesn't mean it's not ten times harder for others. To be realistic, it may even be impossible for some.


Well-known member
A lot of people have been banned since I've been gone! Well anyways, in response to this post..for awhile it got to be a lot always trying to show someone on here what a wonderful person they are, how much they have to give and how they shouldn't give up on themselves but it gets to a point where you're doubting yourself too. I can't speak for everyone but I do know that if you're not in in to beat it what are you doing with yourself? I do wish that everyone could see how much good they have in them but for the people that are a constant support team for others, if they don't want your help, let it be. You can only go so far, people have to help themselves before you can.


Well-known member
I know what you mean, but you would hope here is the only place they come to whine, if that's the case then it's not so bad. Now If you're whining 24/7 everywhere that's not good.