Lets see...
- fear of the unknown
- fear of the feeling of fear (silly, i know)
- punishing self; feeling sorry for self
- feel unlovabel/unattractive (& don't want to give her ANY chance to affirm this, thereby confirming it; maybe am "clinging-by-fingertips" to 'yes, i'm unnattractive, BUT JUST MAYBE that's not the case .. but i'm TERRIRIFIED to find out one way or the other, so i'll just AVOID finding out one way or the other .. and that way i can remain in denial, in my tentative "safe bubble", and feeling still in control')
- fear of change (maybe comfortable being single/alone; & scared of how your life would change with a woman in it)
- fear of losing control (of thoughts/feelings/actions)
- fear of being manipulated/controlled
- fear of rejection (can't forget that old gem!)
- unable to express feelings to others (or just to women?)
- fear of being seen as "weak" (& at mercy of such feelings)
- fear of feeling weak/pathetic (again, the "masculinity" thing/problem)
- expecting nothing to ever happen with any woman, and so in order to conserve effort/energy-expenditure/time (& prevent disappointment/frustration), don't even make any attempt to connect/etc
- much past bad experiences with women/people, and so do not want to give "the enemy" ANY opportunity whatsoever to hurt your feelings
- don't want to allow self to become attracted with any woman (to avoid the pain/frustration of it not going any further than simply one-sided attraction)
To sum it up...