Why Did You Choose Your Current Avatar?


Well-known member
When I joined a forum some years ago I liked a band which had released an album. My avatar is a part of the album cover, I cropped it and altered the contrast/glow to make it more bright. This avatar is the one I used on that forum.
That's my go-to avatar when I can't think of anything else to use as one.
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Well-known member
It's symbolic. The lion king was one of my favorite movies as a child, and it seems to have great meanings similar to my life.. the painting of the mane on simba symbolized simba coming back from a depression and outcast as an adult, having to grow past his shame and finally let go of the past. Sometimes I doubt I have the will to be an adult maybe having that avatar will draw power this way.

A Many Splendored Thing

Well-known member
It's empty because the mood hasn't struck me yet to put one up.

It has to feel right or it's not worth doing. I delete many of my replies because I wait too long and I fall out of the mood.

I would put anything up depending on how I felt at the time.

Empty until something fills it with color. Once it's filled in, it feels difficult to replace.


Active member
well, on this notebook, I didn't have a lot of options. A couple of years back, I had saved this pic to this pc, the text says "The City is full of Ghosts" - something I found to fit my melancholic temperament back then. I just joined this site last month, opened my photos to pic an avatar and this came up - I find it quite fitting :)


Well-known member
I picked The Maxx as my avatar because he's flawed and and psychologicaly tormented like me, but he still has the courage to be a superhero; despite his shortcomings; and powers through his limitations. Even if it's a delusional reality; he atleast believes in himself...