Why are you SCARED?

Sorry for english mistakes.

This morning, sitting on my porch and smoking a ciggs, i ask my self "why the hell I'm unconfortable? why do I'm scared my neighboorhood see me? what will happen? why do am I anxious? I'm not gonna die, I'm not in a dangereous situation..

Because I think the only real fear is to die.. I'm not in danger around people, I really don't know why i'm scared.. they might judge me bad, who give a damn? I' still gonna be alive..

That genious thinking maybe not gonna change a thing in the way our brain react to social situation, but next time I feel anxious , I'm gonna ask myself "Am I going to die? is this person gonna eat my alive?

what you think? ever ask yourself why youre scared?


Well-known member
I would consider this the fundamental question..... I wish I had the answer........I can only speak from a personal experience...... It was never "stix and stones will break my bones and names will never hurt me" that scenario. I was always and still am more afraid of "the names" words.....


Well-known member
I don't trust people. Period.
Not my few friends, not my family, not anyone.

It probably has something to do with my "friends" who weren't really friends to me, in school when I was little. The point, and worst part, is that if it was that alone, I would know about it and get over it, but now I'm avoidant and anxious about alot of social things although I don't show it much to my friends, and I don't know why and how to make it go away
Sorry for english mistakes.

This morning, sitting on my porch and smoking a ciggs, i ask my self "why the hell I'm unconfortable? why do I'm scared my neighboorhood see me? what will happen? why do am I anxious? I'm not gonna die, I'm not in a dangereous situation..

Because I think the only real fear is to die.. I'm not in danger around people, I really don't know why i'm scared.. they might judge me bad, who give a damn? I' still gonna be alive..

That genious thinking maybe not gonna change a thing in the way our brain react to social situation, but next time I feel anxious , I'm gonna ask myself "Am I going to die? is this person gonna eat my alive?

what you think? ever ask yourself why youre scared?

You know... the Japanese of old (or at least some of them), would actually kill themselves rather than live in 'shame' or dishonour... Food for thought... Maybe there's a fear of shame itself.


Well-known member
I don't trust people. Period.
Not my few friends, not my family, not anyone.

I often feel the same way....But I question why??? Is it just Paranoia?? What is it???

P.S I am still working on the answer myself...


Well-known member
The fear of death you describe is the primal fear that we were biologically programmed to have. Because we are no longer hunter gatherers, there are no real immediate danger in everyday life. But I like to think that our bodies still need to target something to fear, so our bodies and minds replace the primal fear of death for social fear, because social acceptance is more important for survival in modern life, social death is equal to virtual death.

So I fear that if i'm not accepted by others I cannot succeed in life, in love, in work, in any rewarding activities that I strive to do.


Well-known member
I'm going to sound self-absorbed or something but I'm scared because I don't want people to look down on me or see my imperfections. There are alot of not nice people out there ...
I'm going to sound self-absorbed or something but I'm scared because I don't want people to look down on me or see my imperfections. There are alot of not nice people out there ...

next time why don't you try to look at there imperfections just for trying something new? I bet you know perfectly all you imperfection, maybe is time to change focus:D


Well-known member
I don't know if i'm really scared of ppl but I don't like reacting to certain things. for example i'm a quiet person, I love to shut up lol and keep things to myself so I hate it when ppl ask me for opinion or expect me to say something. It makes uncomfortable. I have a few friends and I talk to them because I feel like it, why is it so hard to understand that I don't feel like talking to the whole world.

well that's one of my many problems, i'm also shy


Well-known member
i ask myself this all the time. to help rationalize my thoughts and find a more positive way to think and calm my down. the thing is, i'm not afraid of death at all. but anyway.. when i'm in a situation where i feel anxious, i ask myself what i'm upset about, and think of a bunch of different ways i can calm myself down.... like if i'm scared about going to the grocery store.. "why am i scared?" -- "because the grocery store is big. there are a lot of people in there. if i panic, it may take me a minute to get out of the store and i'll want to leave really fast." so then i'll say "okay, yeah, it's big, there are probably a lot of people in there.. those people are probably minding their own damn business, i doubt they care a lot about what i'm doing. if i feel the need to leave fast, i can. i can put down my things and walk out. it may take me a whole 30 seconds to get out. i can compose myself for that 30 seconds if i have to." .....yeah, it's all about turning your bad thoughts in to good ones to help ease your mind a little.. : )
To answer why am I scared? The unknown. hate not knowing. If know everything, no fear. Counter, if know everything, where is the fun?

Thanks for the question, now I am in circles.


Well-known member
Why I am scared. Because people can and do hurt me.

I try to put myself out into the world, but with my anxiety, I get called names, and abused, and laughed at, and distrusted.

And the thing is I feel as if I have no mouth and I must scream.

I try not to get angry with people who respond negativley to my anxiety, there is no point it just makes it worse for me. They don't need to understand it's my mental illness not theirs.
I have frequently asked myself the same question.
The only answer I can come up with is that the severe/longterm bullying I went through constantly wore down my nerves and emotions to such a raw state, that they were never really able to heal.
So whenever a person insults, intimidates or criticizes me, I feel the mental anguish in a far greater intensity then a person should.


Well-known member
i dont really know why i am. its like im hardwired for it, its a flaw. people dont seem to like me, very few at that. i especially have a hard time with women.